Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday Chillin
I'm a chillin out on my kitch-hen island. Yoo can hardly see me huh? Dis must be why Mommie picked dis kind of gran-it cuz it looks jus like me. It is nice an cool tho. We am having crazy weather here in Connecticat. Ferst it wuz cold and wet, den it wuz more cold and wet, den it got hot a humid like August weather and now it's cloudy and cooler again today. It is still nice enuf where da Mom lets me owtside to chase squirrels. Yeah. Dat's a fun fing to be fankful for.
~Beau Beau
Monday, May 16, 2011
Mancat Monday
Yeah - I am a mancat. I let Angie share da bed wif me. I even let her haf da good spot at da top of da bed next to da pillows. A good mancat knows how to share. Haf a good sharing week effurybuddy! Let us know how you gonna share somefin dis week.
~Beau Beau
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful dats fur shure cuz of da fings dat happened da ofur day. Listen to dis! First, I gotted to go on da deck right away in da morning while da lady wuz gettin reddy for werk. Den quess what??? I gotted to stay owt on da deck all day till Daddy got home. Boy wuz he surprized when he opened da door to let Beau Beau owt for some sunshine and dare I wuz. Den it gets better. Daddy den brot me rite to da kitchen and gave me some cream! Yeah kitties, I got a bowl full of cream! He knows how much I love dat.
Next, I went owtside again, to da back yard (not more deck time). And, hold onto yur tails for dis one.... a little birdie fell rite owt of da sky rite in front of me!!! Well, Mommie wuz not too happy bout dat, but it was a real bonus for me until she tooked it away. So furriends, I am really thankful for doze happy events. Dey made my week. I hope yoo all haf a thankful day today!