Sunday, November 18, 2007

Easy like Sunday

It's still pretty mild here in Connecticat. I finks I'll enjoy a little stroll in my yard while da beans go off to church. Beau Beau will just sit and wait for da red dot to come owt. He is driving da mom bean crazy coz all he wants to do is play wif da light. He efun finally found his voice an is trying it owt. He says meerrroow-ite merroowwwiitttee (which translated into bean talk is gimme da light willya?) Have a happy Sunday efurryone! Main St. in Wallingford, Connecticat on da way to church. See da steeple?


  1. Angie - it looks like a lovely day for a stroll over there. It's all cloudy and gray here. Powder hopes that Beau Beau will get a chance to play with his light today!

  2. it's all froggy and cold here

  3. You look extra floofy today, Angie!

  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I love the laser pointer. My Lady hardly gets it out anymore. This bothers me.

  5. Oh, laser beam pen is a fun game! I'll bet that Charmee would LOVE to play it with Beau Beau.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  6. Happy Sunday to your family, too!

  7. Oh what a gorgeous day out there. Enjoy your Sunday. We had a wonderful lie in!

  8. It has been warm most of this fall. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm again.

    Hope you enjoyed your stroll.

  9. Yer right to go furr a stroll Angie. Yoo haf to make the most of the good weather while it lasts.

  10. Looks really nice in your yard Angie.It is getting cool here,but I do not go outside. Have a fun day :)

  11. I love the sunshine light on your fur as always~! Makes my mood also shiny shiny now~!!!!

    Thank you for your wishing and hope you have a great new week~!

  12. Yoo guys look like yoor haffing a grate Sunday! We spent it playing wif mom and napping wif dad.

  13. Angie you be careful and don't walk out on the road. It looks like a lovely day there.

    Dat's real funny about Beau learning to talk.
