Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Annibersary

Happy 1st Annibersary to da beans efun tho dey haf left us to fend for owrselves while dey are swimming in ::gasp:: -- water -- in da carrybean. Cuzin Alaina took care of us for a coupla days but it wuz like bein by owrselves anyway cuz we locked her in da room so we could eat all da food da beans left us. Den da collij girl takes ofur and we allreddy haf her wrapped around owr fingers so ginormous amounts of food should be no prollem.
~Beau Beau & Angie


  1. Congratulations to your beans! Carribean! How fun!!

  2. Happy Anniversary to the beans. Are you going to teleport down to sit on the beach (litterbox) with them?

  3. Concatulations to yur beans!!! Owr beans will be celly-bratin' theirs soon, they already taked their trip. Hope yurs haf a great trip!
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  4. Happy Anniversary! What a lovely place to go. All those sand boxes and they didn't take you all... Sigh.

  5. Wow has it been a year already? Happy oneanniversary to your mom and pop. I hope they have a great break and that your petsitter is a push over.

  6. Has it been a year?
    Wow da time flies by....dat is wunderful dat dey is off in dee o-shun. 'Cept yu is by yurselves..dat is not gud. Well guess what we'll all teleport ofur it's time to partee!


  7. Happy Anniversary! It seems like just yesterday they were getting married!

  8. Congratulations to your beans! We hope that they have fun....even if they are in the water....gasp!

    We let Mommy up from bed rest so that we could visit our friends.

  9. Happy Belated Anniversary to your beans!!! Yay!

  10. Happy Anniversary!
    can wate to sea photos of the carrybean

  11. What a nice trip. And vacation for you at home. You are living the life right now.

    We stopped by to give you all {{{{{HUGS}}}}} from all of us at JFF, in memory of Bonnie Underfoot.
