Sunday, November 30, 2008

Snuggly Sunday

It's been a looonnggg weekend . I am still catching up on my sleep after all mine girlfriends came ofur on da day before Thanksgiving for a sleep over. Funny fing is dat I am finally sleeping in mine snuggly bed. It am nice and warm in here. I finks I finally grew into it - hee hee. Happy snoozing and snuggling on dis cold Sunday (at least here in Connecticat).

~Beau Beau


  1. Beau Beau, we find that when it starts getting cold outside, we will sleep more in our snuggly beds...yours looks very snuggly! Enjoy your snooze!

  2. Oh my Cod! Powder is on her way, she thinks there is just enough room for her in there with you!

  3. Happy napping! My Mommie keeps buying me different beds and I never use any of them. Hahahaha!

  4. Best things to do in cold days....

    ViVi & AB

  5. I too take to my fleecy bed when it gets cold like it is now! You look furry cosy in yours.

  6. You look so comfy there. I love my millie bed that is very similar.

  7. You look so cute in your bed, and the bed looks nice and cozy, Beau Beau .. :)

  8. Oh wowie, that IS a really nice cuppie bed!

  9. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Mom gave up on beds for us a long time ago. We have 3 we will not use. We prefer the big bed, the Condo and Mom's desk! Stay warm, Beau Beau!

  10. That bed looks very comfy. I know I would sleep in it if I had one. Buddah's insane, so he wouldn't...but I wish he had one so I could take it from him and sleep in it. Not to be mean, of course, just to make sure it got used.

  11. Stay warm, it is snowing here lots.

  12. You look quite cozy there.

  13. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Sweet dreams Beau Beau that bed looks very cozy.It's cold here too I'm staying in my tent...Hugs Ariel

  14. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Oh that bed looks extra snuggly!! I liked to be wrapped tight when I is sleeping :)
    You do not look very sleepy though :)

