Saturday, April 07, 2007

tub soccer update

The tub soccer field is getting closer to being ready. I am inspeckting it as it progresses.The tile men were quiet today when dey were making the surroundings to my tub soccer field look reel nice. Some peoples may not be too 'acited bout the new look but we certainly am.
~Beau Beau


  1. How big and shiny! I bet you are anxious for it to be finished. I bet fake mousies will slide around very well in there!

  2. Those tiles are pretty! I like to play in the tub too... but only when it is dry and empty.

  3. You are going to have some fun sliding around in that pretty new soccer field! Maybe you can show us how you play when it's finished :)

  4. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Tub soccer is great!!! So is tail chasing in the tub!

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I bet no one will beat you guys in tub soccer now!

  6. That certainly looks good and furry 'citing! What fun you're gonna haf when it's finally finished!


  7. Oh we need to borrow your tub people, our mom is about to have her bathroom tub redone. It looks great! Purrs and Scritches

  8. Let us know when to drop by for the first game!

  9. You're going to haf the best fun when it is all done.

  10. Wow that is a lovely new tubsoccer stadium. Will you be inviting kitties over to try it out when it's done?

  11. We love your new tub soccer field. Happy Easter/Passover.

  12. Sweeeeet! Don't let the people mess up your new soccer tub! People will do that, you know. They've fill it with water and sit in it all nekkid, and the game's never the same after...

  13. Your new tub soccer field looks great. I like the tile. Let us know how well it plays when it is finished.

  14. I can hardly wait fur the openin of tub hockey season! The field looks furry nice. Mom's parent beans in Catifornia had a turrible time wif their "tile guys" cuz they broked sumfing an tried to hide it by puttin the soap shelf in a really weird place. The whole job was like that - one disasfur after anofur - cuz there was no cat snoopervizin!

  15. Anonymous2:08 PM

    ooh - purrty & shiny! we like it furry much. bet it's nice an slippy too.
