Beau Beau da blogger. Yeah dat's me. Since da Mom bean won't get off her 'puter den I gots my own 'puter altho she tries to hog dis one too. Dad has his own 'puter but his is actin' real slow so now Mom is tryin to fix his . Sigh. I guess dat means he might be askin me to use my 'puter. That might be ok I guess since he has to teach on line . An instead of usin all da 'scuses dat his stoodents use like "da power went owt", or "my 'puter wuz haffin majer prollems" or "I wuz sick", (um, it's an online class an yoo don't haf to be there at a certin time so dat's a real bogus one), he has my 'puter to use as a backup. Either dat or he can jus go to da liberry where all da free 'puters are. Guess some of doze stoodents where da power wuz owt don't haf liberrys in dare towns wif free 'puters, or friends wif 'puters.
What Dad? Ooops. Da liberry is closed dis week.
What? All yur furrends are owt of town? What? Da car duzn't werk? Yoo can't get to da next town to use dare liberry? Da bus broke down? Yoo can't walk dat far? Yoo has no furrends? Werk won't let yoo use dare 'puter? Mommie won't let yoo use hers? Dare is no cyber cafe in town? WHAT? NOoooooooo. Sigh. OK. Yoo can use my 'puter. Gimme 10 Temtations an it's yurs for da day.
Beau Beau