Monday, September 24, 2007

Mancat Monday

Hmmmm, I wuz jus readin' in da paper about weekend happenin's and it seems dat a certain female wif da inehshuls A.S. wuz grounded after a weekend of cavortin' in her nayborhood.

Den it says dat Beau Beau Bentley (hey dat's me) wuz actin' like a scairdy cat. What???? hey! dat's not rite! Don't believe efurryting yoo read in da paper. It wuz da evil harnesses fault. It wuz pullin' an pinchin' me den I fot a claw came owt of da ground and pinched my belly. Dat's why I ran like a maniac into da howse draggin' da evil leash behind me. I wuz jus runnin' from da claw! Asides, I am a swash bucklin cap'n o' da Seas, arrrrr, Beau Beau, dat's me. Oh, sorry, I fot it wuz still meow like a pirate day.


  1. You look very comfortable as you check out the newspaper, Beau Beau. You are so right - you can't believe everything you read!

  2. I don't bee-leave anyfing 'cept da comics in da noospaper. I knoos I wood nefur bee-leave anyfing negg-ah-tive bout yu Beau Beau. Yu is furry brave and strong and manly....


  3. Course it wuz a claw came out of the ground and attacked yoo. We know yoo wouldn't be a skeerdy cat Beau Beau

  4. Course yoo wasn't scairt, sheesh, how is it dat deze papers are allowed to print deze lies!

  5. Oh it made the paper! I think it's wrong though...

  6. of course you wasn't scairt!!
    did your daddy come home yet? last we knowed, he was still out looking for Angie!

  7. Are you reading the business section there? FAZ

  8. Beau, you are very right not to believe everything you read in the paper. I would never believe that you were scairt. Sometimes the harness does bad things, and you must run away from it.

  9. Hmmmmm A.S. is grounded, eh? That must have been quite a scare she gave Mommy and Daddy (Who I hope made it back home!). But sweet Beau Beau, I am sure it was a claw and the harness IS evil! Powder thinks no less of you, that's for sure!
    You look quite mancatly reading the paper!

  10. Harnesses are bad news! They steal your bones and make you paralyzed. I'm glad you were strong enough to run away from it. I have not been so lucky.

    Earl Grey

  11. Maybe that's why Mom won't let me outside.I mean claws in the ground!!!

  12. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I think that everyday should be Meow Like a Pirate Day! That was a lot of fun.

  13. Newspapers don't always get the story right. Check tomorrow's paper for a correction. It can't be right that you was scairt.

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  14. Wow, the Mew Yack Times! I's impressed. Beau Beau, it's good that you know to run home if sumfin don't seem rite outside. I do that, too, if I get ascared... I mean Mom gets ascared while we's outside.
    So Angie wandered too far an losted yur dad, huh? Not good... not good at all! Put her in a bunk wif the capn's daughter. Arrrr!
