Sunday, May 17, 2009

Maybe not so Easy Sunday

Dis deck is where we relax on Sunday mornings or we will be if it efur gets warm enough to hang out up here. But I want down from here. It am more fun on da ground chasin' da butterflies an da birdies. Hmmmm. I wonder if I can get down dare. Yoo fink it is easy to do?


  1. Don't jump! You might break a claw or something!

  2. Oh better be careful!

  3. ::puts paws over eyes:: Don't jump Angie!

  4. It looks a long way up, you better not jump Angie. Will you be allowed out in your new garden later?

  5. Don't you go jumping off there and hurting yourself, Angie!

  6. Anonymous7:21 PM

    What ebber youz doez, DON'T JUMP! Not all a' da kittiez have a good landin'. Kittiez needz ta be patient wif da weather. We haz da snowz here yesterday an' itz sunny taday, datz good, we waited. But we ain't 'llowed ta go out in da biggie world. Our momma iz very purr-tective of us cuz we waz tossed in da ditch when we waz little kittiez.

  7. I don't know. It looks pretty high up.

  8. Don't jump Miss Angie. I fink we will have to send you a ladder.

  9. I think you need to be careful, Angie! Jumping from there could be a very bad idea. Make sure Beau is on the bottom with a trampoline or something at the very least before you make an attempt.

  10. Don't jump Angie sweetie. You might get hurted.

  11. I agree, that looks way too high to jump from Angie!

    I love your new bathrooms :) xxx

  12. Ummm...please don't jump from there! Be careful!

  13. Hi Beau Beau and Angie,
    My 'rents say that if your 'rents want to abandon you for a vacation that they should go to Tahoe. They are in love with it and want to move there. Too bad for them that the industry that they work in would not allow that to happen. They are home now and happy to see us, but they are still wishing that we could all be in Tahoe.
    I guess that means it was a good place to go...

  14. Don't jump, Angie!!!

    PS - Your new bathrooms look awesome. Mama wishes we could have a new bathroom, but without all the contractor messes. hee hee

