Saturday, June 22, 2024

Caturday Art Pretty Tabbies

In keeping with some Saturday Cat art, I wanted to show you some different styles that I have learned in AI art recently.  The first one is a double exposure, with a field of flowers inside the beautiful Tabby. And the second one is a mixup of a few things like alcohol ink colors, flowers, and lace in the furry features; and including words like panpsychic and utopic connectome. Loving the vibrant colors that come out of some of the images. Both created in NightCafe.

And, just for fun and giggles, Snakie came by for a visit! We think it's the baby of the big snake from a month or so ago. It slithered off into the stand of pine trees just off to the side of the house. I won't be going over there at all now. I have a feeling that's where it and maybe more of its kind are living. Ugh. At least Tommy and Teaghan got a little thrill out of seeing it. And when I finally scared it off, it was FAST! There is no outrunning that thing. Although hopefully I believe they will be running away from people not to them. 

Brenda and the Ts



  1. Dearest Brenda,
    Lovely images and that snakie was daring for slithering by.
    Hoping it will not cause any harm for getting a bite.
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Such pretty kitty art! WOW, the Ts sure have some interesting Snake-TV at your place.

  3. Very pretty art. Ick on the snake.

  4. That art is really cool. We really like the double-exposure! Wow, snake TV? That's pawssssome. ;-)

  5. The AI art is beautiful and colourful. Snake TV makes a change from Bird TV.

  6. Beautiful artwork. I doubt if the cats were too interested in the artwork when they had a snake to watch. Good thing for a solid door between it and you.

  7. Beautiful artwork.
    Snakes? Well, We aren't too sure about that (mol).

  8. da tabbies o trout towne2:14 PM

    YEOW guyz !!! we hope de boa constrictorz left de naybor hood N doez knot come bak...ther waza anna conda over at cuzin daiz' houz wear de gurl waz doo in sum yard werk.....who knew her could run !! :) ♥♥

  9. Java Bean (peering intently at snake): "That's not the one that got me either."

  10. I do like your art! As for the snake, as long as it isn't venomous, it won't bother with you if you leave it alone. It will just keep pests away from your house.

  11. Those Kitty art pictures are sweet looking. And Snakie!!I never knew anyone with Snake TV but I think we must surely have it here too...just on another Snake Channel! We have those critters but Mom doesn't see them as often.
