Monday, August 26, 2024

Toys for Teaghan

Toys for Teaghan

Hello efurrybuddy! It's about time that I got some blog time here. Here's a quick catch up on what's been going on. I've been looking all around for my favorite toy and finally had to go digging and sniffing around to find it. For some reason, most of our toys have now been stuck in this basket. It doesn't matter I can still find it when I want it. It's a puffy feathery kind of toy that I go looking for every now and then. You can see though that I have to dig past all of Tommy's feathers first! Geez Mommy, you think you could clean this thing out? :-) 

Purrs, Teaghan



  1. wow! look at all your toyz!!!

  2. Dearest Tommy and Teaghan,
    You sure got a basket of toys amongst the two of you and glad that you still manage to find your favorite!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. I certainly understand your dilemma. I "make" mine Mommy dump my toy basket onto the floor (now have her properly trained). Don't tell, but am just a wee bit too lazy to go searching in there for my fave! And if it sit by the basket long enough, sort of whiny and all ... guess what, it works!

  4. I am glad you can find your favourite toy amongst all those toys.

  5. Get those favorite toys out of the basket and have a good time. Precious doesn't play with toys very much anymore so she just ignores them. You on the other hand are going to have a great time and Tommy is going to miss out.

  6. We have baskets of toys here too and the baskets are almost as popular as the toys!

  7. tea if ewe tozz em all on de floorz ewe will bee abe bull ta spot yurz strait a way. 😺‼️🐟💙💚

  8. Charlee: "Your toys are trapped in a basket? Sounds like it's time to stage a heist!"

  9. Lots of baskets of toys here too.

  10. Nothing better than having lots of toys. Adorable.

    Have a purrfect day and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  11. You poor kitties need more toys. :) XO

  12. Wow, look at your toy basket! So many toys, just waiting to be pulled out and distributed all over the house. :)

  13. Why, oh, why, is the one you want always on the bottom? Doesn't matter what that one is, a toy, a key, anything, it's always on the bottom.

  14. Messymimi is absolutely right. Whateffur you are looking for, it's always at the bottom of the pile!
