Ferst, Yoo just has to make a selection that is squared. Use the selection tool, and set the aspect ratio to fixed. Then Enter the same number in both fields. 1 and 1 works. Make a selection. Apply the filter Polar Coordinates. Then you use the bottom radio button “Polar to Rectangular”. That's when yoo see somefin weird startin to take shape but there's more. You have to then rotate the selection 180 degrees. There are a few different ways to do this. One of them is to use the Edit menu, then Transform and Rotate 180 degrees. Now apply the Polar Coordinates filter again but do NOT just choose it from the top of the Filter menu. You have to change one of the parameters so you have to choose it from Filters > Distort > Polar Coordinates… again. This time, choose the upper radio button labeled “Rectangular to Polar”. Last, you crop your picture to get rid of the stuff surrounding your new Amazing circle.
If you want better instrukshuns just Google Amazing Circles and click on dat ferst link dat comes up.
Have fun!