It was anufer tac-tik to try to get the beans to stay home instead of goin on va-cay-shun but it didn't werk.
Mommy tooked me to see the v.e.t. This time I got Doc Anderson too jus like Angie last time. She putted some yellow stuff in my eye and then some uffer stuff and maybe in a few days my eye will open again. Then Mommy's favrit v.e.t., Dr. St.Clair, found out where she was goin on va-cay-shun and he goes there all-a-time too! He helps out at the v.e.t. clinic in Providenciales! He even has helped their humane society getted their homeless doggies adopted into the U.S. frew their Potcake Foundation . Potcakes are what they calls their doggies there. The Foundations goal is "to provide care and shelter for these homeless potcakes and aid in the reduction of he island dog over-population and provide the best possible care for these special dogs while in our custody and hopefully find them new permanent, loving homes." He's a furry nice v.e.t. to help all those animals out.
No mommy, we unnerstand the problem but we don't wants a doggie. An Daddy tole you no more pudins eifer. Ohhhh we's gettin a bad feelin'... I really better get in that luggage so's you don't bring home any homeless pudins. See ya all later efurryone! Like a pirate, wif only one eye, I gotta go and take care of this!
~Beau Beau