I'm tellin' you Beau Beau, Mommy is not in a good mood today. Nosiree. She came home a'mumblin an a'grumblin about somefin called admin- or adminny-strative professen-als day. Effurry year she does'n yike it. Some beans gets lots of fings like fleurs from the good bosses and some beans gets nuffing. It was a-posed to be a day to make people feel a'pre-she-ated but sometimes it makes them feels bad instead specially when they do so much for some beans and they don't even cares or they forgets. They never forgets to do fings for them all year. She's mumblin bout made up hall-mark holidays. Beau Beau - what's a Hall-mark? Is that what you do wif your claws on the wall? What's dat have to do wif adminny's day? Whatever it is it makes Mommy feel furry bad. She doesn yike gettin' singled out. They don't have special days for all the other peoples jobbies so it must be a furry bad job all-a-time if they has to have a special day jus so people will a'preshe-ate adminnys. We better gives her special hugs efurry day to makes her feel good and strong so someday she can break frew what she calls the glass ceiling. I don't even want to tink about what the glass ceiling means. That's even stranger than the hall-marky ting. This is all furry tiring Beau Beau. I tinks we have to take a nappy now an sleep on it. Maybe it'll all be better in the morning.
We're sorry your mom hadded such a bad day, our mom's had some of those lately too. Give her purrs and snuggles and it will help her feels better.
ReplyDeleteThat's why people have cats. To help with these icky bad days. You 2 keep up your good work with your mom.
ReplyDeleteWhile training our humans is an important job, making them feel appreciated is even more important. Make sure she you know you love her very much!
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry your human pet had such a terrible day. Make sure to snuggle up to her lots and purr in her ear so she knows you think lots of special things about her too!
ReplyDeleteMy mom would rather have us any day over one of those hallmark holidays, and I bet your mom feels the same way. Only we can show our true appreciation and really mean it all the time.
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau & Angie
ReplyDeleteThank goodness your Momma has you to take care of her when she hadda those bad days. You both maka her feel so much better when she comes home from her werk.
At Mom's work, they stopped doin admin appry day. It made admins seem different from efurrybody else an sum thot it was a put down an not all admins were preciated the same, so they just stopped. Mom says it's like in school when you gots to be fair an bring enuf for efurryone or not at all. Like tou said, what abouts the ofur jobs? Werk sounds really not fun.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all Amins! By the way...when is Empress Appreciation Day?
ReplyDeleteKukka, isn't EFURRY day Empress Appreciation Day?
ReplyDeleteI can tell by the picture of you two, you were deep in talk about the situation. Give Mom extra headbutts..
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone! Beau Beau thought he would make things even better by going back into the basement insulation and bringing me presents of it. Yup. Lots of it.
ReplyDeleteI work in the insultant profession, and I have always had a problem with this day. Don't get me wrong, I would rather treat the administrative staff as part of the team rather than a disconnected support group that has to be rewarded once in a while. My wife is Executive Assistant and she has to put up with enormous amounts of crap from people who should really know better. At the same time, I remember her working till midnight on 09/11/2001 trying to bring her boss home to Canada who was stranded in the US. She was up at 6:00am the next morning still trying to find a means to get her boss home. Let's put it this way, it was a cab ride to the border, another cab at the border, a bus ride and finally a plane ride home.