It was anufer tac-tik to try to get the beans to stay home instead of goin on va-cay-shun but it didn't werk.
Mommy tooked me to see the v.e.t. This time I got Doc Anderson too jus like Angie last time. She putted some yellow stuff in my eye and then some uffer stuff and maybe in a few days my eye will open again. Then Mommy's favrit v.e.t., Dr. St.Clair, found out where she was goin on va-cay-shun and he goes there all-a-time too! He helps out at the v.e.t. clinic in Providenciales! He even has helped their humane society getted their homeless doggies adopted into the U.S. frew their Potcake Foundation . Potcakes are what they calls their doggies there. The Foundations goal is "to provide care and shelter for these homeless potcakes and aid in the reduction of he island dog over-population and provide the best possible care for these special dogs while in our custody and hopefully find them new permanent, loving homes." He's a furry nice v.e.t. to help all those animals out.
No mommy, we unnerstand the problem but we don't wants a doggie. An Daddy tole you no more pudins eifer. Ohhhh we's gettin a bad feelin'... I really better get in that luggage so's you don't bring home any homeless pudins. See ya all later efurryone! Like a pirate, wif only one eye, I gotta go and take care of this!
~Beau Beau
OH NO Beau Beau. We is so sorry you gots an owie in your eye! Is someone staying wif you while you mommy and daddy are on baykshun, to look after your eye and give you your medikshun if you needs it?
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like it hurts terribly, Beau Beau. I'm sorry that it happened to you. I hope you feel better soon and remember: no scratchy scratchy!
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's very cool what Dr. St. Clair is doing. This sounds like a similiar organization to the one Fat Eric mentioned in his blog recently.
I gots an owie in my right eye too. I didn't have to go to the V-E-T though. The humans went to the farm and ranch store; you can buy medicines for all kinds of animals there. They gotted some of that icky yellow eye medicines and putted it in my eyeball and now its all better and not squinty no more.
ReplyDeleteBeau, that maked Momma's eye hurt and water just looking at yours!! Hopes you feel better soon! Schmaybe you can get a cool eye patch to wear while your eye gets netter?
ReplyDeleteOoh, poor Beau! Who is taking care of you when your beans go away?
ReplyDeleteOne time mama had to go for a week and she let me stay at the v-e-t. They love animals there and they play with you and feed you, and it's soooo nice.
They keep the woofies and the kitties separate, cause some woofies bark at us all the time. But I did meet a woofie or two, and they were the nice polite ones.
Beau Beau, we hopes your eye is feelin' better soon! You haves such big, cute eyes...
ReplyDeleteHope your eye is feeling better now, Beau.
ReplyDeleteSWEETIE HERE: Gee I is sorry about your eye! OWIE'S are bad things aren't they? I'm sorry too it took me so long to come visit you guys...Thanks for telling me about all the furs problems in your house...No brush for me. I don't like it one bitty! I don't like the come worse though.ommy says it's all out of hand--whatever that means...HA HA! TAke good care of that eye you good ole pal...Puuuuurrrr.
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau
ReplyDeleteOWIE that really hurts! I's hope yous is feelin better.Did you get to go on baykshun wif your Momma & Daddy?
ReplyDeleteWe all sure hope your eye will be better soon.
Why, Mr. Beau Beau Bentley...are you flirtin' with lil' ol' me?
ReplyDeleteFor future reference, dear boy, you don't need to put insulation in your eye to have an excuse to wink at me. I'll take your winks any day!
Feel better, sweetie!
Sorry about your owie. Hope it feels better soon, and that you and Angie got to go on vacation too!
ReplyDeleteAww Beau Beau that doesn't look good. Hope you get it cared for when the beans are away, What you gonna do when they're gone? What ya got planned? An adventure of your own?
ReplyDeletePoor Beau Beau! Hope your eye is all better soon! (Stay away from that insulation. It looks like cotton candy, but it isn't fun at all!)
ReplyDeleteOh, your poor little eye....tell your Mom to kiss it lots.
ReplyDeleteThe Girls Mom
Oh Beau Beau it's a bummer when your eye is owie like that. I had lots of eye infections when I was a kitten, and then I actually cut my eye while rubbing the itchy infections so much that I winked for awhile too. Maybe you won't play with insulation anymore now. I hope everything goes well while your parents are away. I still have to write my story of when Mom and Dad went away. Hope you have a better time than I did!
ReplyDeleteWhen are the people coming home from bay-kshun Beau Beau? We hope your eye is better and that you don't has to wear a patch. - Miles
ReplyDeleteHappy Cinco de Meow-Meow Beau-Beau and Angie ;)
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau, your eye has to get better before the Catolympics! Poor bro. What does Angie fink of your wink? No woofies, efun the ones called Potcakes. That name's makin me hungry. I hope you gots sumone nice feedin you and Angie. You shoulda stayed in the suitcase an away from the insulation!
ReplyDeleteI just adopted a potcake. He's a sweetheart.