"Beau Beau?"
"Sigh. What Angie?"
"Do you fink Mommy is still mad at us?"
"Maybe. After all you did get up at 4:00. You know the humans don't realize what the best part of the day is."
"I know. But I was trying to be quiet."
"Angie, you were playing wif the bug on the screen. It made lots of noise."
"But I thought that was my job."
"Yes, but not at 4:15Am. It was noisy wif you scratchin' at the screen. Then Mommy had to get out of bed to make you stop."
"Ok but then I wented into the hallway to give them some quiet."
"Yes, but you started playin' wif the balloon and the clip fing made lots more noise banging against the closet door."
"Is that why Mommy tooked it away from me?"
"Yes, that's also when I heard you start runnin' up and down the hallway. That's my job you know. That's when Mommy wented right to 'DEFCON' mode. That's when you gotted me in trouble and she putted me downstairs an closed the door."
"I know, I'm sorry. I gotted scared and that's when I started to frow up."
"You probably frew up acoz you ate a buggie and then you runned up and down the hallway. Sisfur wasn't happy eifer. You woke her up acoz it sounded like thunder downstairs. Then once I realized that the door was closed an it was close to stinky goodness time I started crying."
"I know. I heard you. But Mommy didn't."
"Yes, but Sisfur did. I jumped on her bed and cried some more to her and then she gotted up and let me out. Then it was wayyyy past stinky goodness time and the humans were 'noring me and wouldn't get out of bed. They had to get extra sleepytime in coz you woked them up too early and they needed to get up in time for early Church."
"I know. I'm sorry. I'll try not to do it again."
"Don't tell me. Tell the beans."
"I'm sorry Mommy and Daddy." I'll try not to wake you up too early tomorrow."
"Thanks Angie". I know you're normally a good girl. We loves you but just let us sleep until at least 5:30 AM tomorrow ok? We have to get up for work and I can't be chasing you around the house at 4:00AM to make you be quiet."
"OK Mommy. I'll be quiet and make sure Beau Beau is quiet too."

"Sigh. Can I go back to sleep now?"