Catching up with the Ts and the Pawrents
Tommy and Teaghan (The T's): Hello all! The pawrents finally put up the tree and we have been good. We just sit around underneath it waiting to pounce on each other. Meowmy is hoping we don't pull the Christmas thingy out from underneath it though. We know we are :cough cough: pretty heavy... but that would really be pushing it!
Hey look at the tree! |
The Boston Fern looks good with a few lights on her too. |
It got really cold here in warm land for about a week. Then it got really warm yesterday and we opened up all the windows again, thank goodness! While the cold snap was on we got to sit on the couch and get all comfy in front of the fireplace. The weather sure is fun here :-).
Back in late October, Meowmy and Food Man had to go back to CT to visit Grammy cuz she fell and broke her arm, then fell and broke her hip. Things are improving finally but as anyone who knows of someone of has broken a hip you know how long a process it is in getting better.
Anyway, while they were back in CT, visiting Grammy at the rehab place, they went managed to eat at some of their favorite places they missed so much. We'll let you hear from her now....
Meowmy: "First and most important, we had LOBSTER from our favorite place, Lenny's in Branford CT! We managed to get in 3 lobster rolls while we were visiting. Yes, we were gluttons but we have not had a lobster in over 3 years since we've moved. It was wonderful! It was so great I even ate the green beans (that I can't stand normally but they actually tasted good!).
And while we were visiting family, we met our great nephews in person finally. And look what beauties they have at their house! CHICKENS! Real free range chickens that get to run around and act like chickens should.
Our other favorite most wonderful missed food is apples fresh picked from the farm, Roger's Orchards in Southington, CT. All kinds of apples, fresh baked cider donuts, and fresh apple cider. The smells of apples and Fall on a beautiful sunny day and Oh dear we were in Heaven.
We also drove by our old house and visited the farm down the street and saw the cows we loved to look at. There are plenty of cows in NC too, we just don't get to see any unless we drive far away. Aren't they beauties?
Next, we went to our other favorite place that we missed, The Wharf restaurant in Madison, CT at the Madison Beach hotel. The view is spectacular and it was the most beautiful sunny Fall day. We could not resist getting another lobster roll. Warm, buttery, lobster goodness on a grilled buttery roll along with some Prosecco.

Not to be missed as well are the donuts from the best donut place ever, Neil's Donuts in Wallingford, CT. Bob has been craving these for soooooo long!
And not to be forgotten and near and dear to our hearts is our most favorite Italian restaurant where we spent so much time and ate practically every week and hung out with our friends, Michael's Trattoria. The pizza oh my!
Last but not least, we managed to split a Roast Beef sandwich from the King of Roast Beef, Vinny's Deli in Wallingford, CT. Roast Beef with horseradish on a Weck roll. That topped off easing our cravings. I don't know how we managed to eat so much good stuff now that I look back on it. :-) And in between all that we visited with Mom and brought her food and her favorite soup and sandwich from Panera for Mom so she had her favorite food to eat while in rehab.
Lastly, the view on our way home to the T's, flying over that gorgeous Fall scenery.
Tommy: Finally the pawrents came home. I wuz keepin an eye out for them. Hey beans! Where you been?!" Hurry up and make me some chick-hen!
If you've managed to read this far, God Bless you! Just a few more. Thanksgiving came up quickly and we ended up making Turkey at home at the last minute. Thank goodness no one came over to eat the sickly looking turkey that came out. And I also made collard greens for the first time in honor of being in NC.
Bleh turkey! What happened to it's legs? I need to find a fresh turkey farm around here somewhere instead of this frozen kind that everyone was buying. It ended up only costing $.19 a lb with the specials the store had.
Ok, that's about it for now. Thanks for reading! Hope you all enjoyed your holiday and will enjoy the upcoming Christmas/Hanukah/New Year's season. Goodnite!, Purrs, Tommy, Teaghan and the B's. |