Surprise! I'm sure. I'm sure hungry. Hey it's me Beau Beau! (wavin his paw around...) Hey Mom! Mom... there's a big hole in your sinky. I popped up that stupid plastic thingy that you put here. What's suppposed to be here in it's place? Wait... Is this so's you can drop foods down to me when I wants to hang out unner the sink? Hey, wait a minute... are you trying to say somefin like you thinks I'm a garbage disposal? Gee Whiz. Wait a minute, what kinda food you wanna frow down to me? I'll take a little stinky goodness or some left over chicken. Yeah, that'll be good. Just don't tell Angie though. It'll be our little secret.
Mom: Beau Beau you scared the you know what outta me! But you are sure one funny little guy.
I hope you didn't get stuck.
ReplyDeleteOh, Beau Beau! That is the bestest! You have your own fort or maybe clubhouse. Can I be in your club? The long white paws club! Mom's laughing so hard, I'm afraid she'll choke.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHA! That is so funny!
ReplyDeleteThat's freaking funny!
Yeah Victor, you can teleport over to see my hang out and see how far you can stick your paw up frew the sinky hole too. Maybe Mom will frow some foods down to both of us for snacks.
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau
ReplyDeleteYou am so cute and adventooruz too.How in the world did you find that spot??
**ABBY(the manx)
HEHHEHEHE...that's cute!
ReplyDeleteAnother BAD cat in the making!
ReplyDeleteOh, Beau Beau, how ever did you find that????
ReplyDeleteThat would totally freak my mama!
(Mom: after I finished laughing)
This am purrely amazing! Are you skairt you will get your pawpaw stuck? Mom thinks this is so funny!!!
ReplyDeleteEEEEEK! sss's mom
ReplyDeleteHAhahahahaha... Beau Beau, you are TOO funny!!
ReplyDelete(Looks like Mom will have to turn on the comment spam catcher. Darn spammers. They ruin everything!!)
Oh no. Now that the mean spammers has found us does that mean we's gonna get spammed even more? We turned on the word thingy. Hope that will be enough.
ReplyDeleteGrr to the spammers. We gots spam from plumbers after posting bout tub hockey. They're serching for certain words.
ReplyDeleteIf Victor went unner the sink to try that, I'd shut the cupboard. "No, I haven't seen him."