As a mancat projek manajer for da new house, dare are a few fings I learned dat I want to pass along to yoo: When da contractor says dat it takes two paw-weeks to re-do two baffrooms it reely takes two more paws longer.
When da cabinet man says it takes two to four paw-weeks for da big boxes dat da sinky goes in it reely takes four or more. Not two.
When da tile lady says da tile delivery comes every ofur day dat does not mean dats when da tile will come in. Dat takes four paw weeks.
When da cee-ment looks wet it reely is wet. And deep. And Mommie will frow yoo in da kitch-hen sinky coz dare am no tub to wash yoo off. Hey, what’s a mancat to do? I wuz jus tryin to write mine name in dare. Just mine initials, bb. But how wuz I to know dat I wuz gonna get cement up to mine armpits? Well, not reely all da way to mine armpits, jus enuf to make ceement shoes.
When da man comes to strip an clean da floor from h#ll (dat's what Mommie calls it) it will not be done in 2 paw days. Not efun one paw day. How about three paw hours an he stops coz it don't look good enuf to keep goin? Now we gots one clean patch an all da rest still shiny and slippery. Good fur us kitties to play on. Bad for da projek.
And dis is da floor from h*ll. We just has fun runnin all ofur it.