Dis is owr new old kitchen so do not be scared. As long as we gets food who cares?

Mom wanted to be a tattle tail an tell yoo what I ated on Saturday:
5:30AM (dat's when daddy finally got owt of bed to feed us after we been up since 4AM doin owr own useless hunting cuz we can't find any mousies here): Dad fed us Instinct Duck in a can
8:00 AM: ONLY two Organix chickhen treats, dipped in vitamin C, cuz dat's what Mom gibs me efurry day. Some days one, some days two or free, some days she forgets an I get none. Doze am da bad bizzy days.
1:30 PM: (we hadda nap a little) HAM!!! Both me an Angie gotted HAM from Mom's sammich. Plus we gotted some bra-zzute (for doze who know what dat is, IT'S MORE HAM)
4:00 PM: Um, someone wuz late gettin' owr dinner coz owr normal dinner time am 3:30 PM! Mom went flyin owt of da howse to go huntin' at 3:15 to get us some of owr raw CHICKHEN. It seems someDad did not haf any thawded chickhen for owr dinner so Mom had to go hunting pronto. So for dinner I had a chickhen leg an Angie had one little piece of chickhen. She wuz more concerned wif goin' back owtside (I fink she hadded more Ham den me for lunch, hrmph).
6:00 PM: More beggin' at da screen door to go owtside between 4PM and 6PM den I helped Mommie prepare dinner an I gots TWO sticks of 'sparagus an I ated da heads off of bout three more. Den for da dinner we gots STEAK! Yep! Da beans made steak on da grill (good fing da college girl wuz not home coz she only eats veggies) an we got lots of it.
Dat's da end of da food day cuz da beans went snoozy not too long after. Mom hopes I don't blow chow all ofur da floor after today. Owr day starts at 4AM again.
~Beau Beau & Angie