Monday, August 26, 2024

Toys for Teaghan

Toys for Teaghan

Hello efurrybuddy! It's about time that I got some blog time here. Here's a quick catch up on what's been going on. I've been looking all around for my favorite toy and finally had to go digging and sniffing around to find it. For some reason, most of our toys have now been stuck in this basket. It doesn't matter I can still find it when I want it. It's a puffy feathery kind of toy that I go looking for every now and then. You can see though that I have to dig past all of Tommy's feathers first! Geez Mommy, you think you could clean this thing out? :-) 

Purrs, Teaghan


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Happy Cat Day and Debby Update

Happy International Cat Day!

Happy International Cat Day to effuryone! Mom made some crazy AI cat picture for the event. Some days things come out good and some days they don't. MOL! 

We are also tired from listing to the weather man warning system scaring us every now and then with the loud screeches coming from the phone thingies. All in all though we slept through most of storm Debby. 

After the storm noises and exhaustive playing with our favorite tunnel and the "snakie" stick, I finally just laid down right on the floor and took a nap.

Hope y'all in range of storm Debby fared as well as we did.


Tommy and Teaghan