Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Cat-trick's Day! 
Have a blessed day filled with fun, food, and happiness!
Laughter is brightest where food is best!
-Irish Proverb


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sleepy Sunday with the Ts


Ms Teaghan

Short and sweet post today. It's Sunday and rainy weather is coming our way so we are going to sleep right through it. Enjoy your day effurybuddy!

Love, Tommy and Teaghan

Monday, February 24, 2025

Happy Birthday to the Ts - 8 years old

Today is our birthday! We are EIGHT years old today! 
Mommy cannot believe we are a whole 8 years old already. We are thankful that our first mommy, Mommy Colleen, raised us for a little while, then we came to live with in our new home with Mommy Brenda and Food Daddy Bob.  We have had two big trips in our life, one from Troy, Mew York to Connecticut, and the second one on the ride all the way to warm land (except for this winter...) in North Carolina. We like it here and get to watch bird tv (looking outside) all day long! Then at night we make sure the house is secure from introoders of all kinds, especially vissus deer and furry animals that look like they are wearing a bat man mask. 🙀 It is warm here most of the time and we love it, especially getting to see all the birds and animals outside our windows.  
Have a great day everyone, we will be celebrating all day, and napping, and eating. All the usual good things :-).  Our home made chick-hen treats will be out all day if anyone wants to stop by. 
Love, Tommy and Teaghan

Tommy:  I'll be watching out the window for y'all!

Teaghan: I think I hear the door bell! Come on in! 

We are Eight years old today! Come on in an Pawtay! (image made with Night Cafe)


Friday, February 07, 2025

Teaghan's Ride for Food

Hi Y'all! Recently I had to go to the v.e.t. AGAIN just to see what is going on with my itchies and scratchies. It is driviing me crazy and making Mommy even crazier! Turns out it's not as bad as we thought it was and we are going to try a few natural things, get some more laxatone, and wait and see how that goes.  
After the v.e.t. visit (and Dr. Lyne is a really nice Dr. so it wasn't so bad after all...) I told Daddy Food Man I was hungry after all that fussin' at the v.e.t.  So I got to see where the Food Man gets our foods from! Wow! So this is where our purrvisions come from? Our stinky goodness? This is it? Well at least I know now where I can get my food in a mergency now. It was a quick visit and then we were on our way home. 

This is it? This is where our stinky goodness comes from? Can I go in and pick out my favorites?

Hurry up, I'm hungry! 

At home after a long morning, fed, and in for a long nap!


Teaghan and Tommy


Friday, January 24, 2025

SNOW in North Carolina and AJs Visit

SNOW! And Auntie Jeanne's Visit

Auntie Jeanne (AJ) came to visit from the cold North and she brought us a purresent, cold and SNOW! She came here to visit and warm up a little but got a surprise instead, SNOW! The storm started on 1/21/25 along with really cold weather for here in warm land North Carolina. And, you know as Norwegian Forest Cats we really are built for cold weather so this storm was fun to watch and we all got stuck inside except for when some of us sat outside for a bit in the sun. We got to watch people walking/sliding down the street. It was fun. We ended up with about 2" of snow and it was icy underneath the snow so we were all were stuck at home. The roads were too icy to safely drive on so AJ ended up unexpectedly extending her visit. We were happy with that because she likes to play with us and we let her pet us and we made sure we put our furs all over her bed (in our room!) so she would be extra comfortable 😻. 

Here is Teaghan taking a nap and waiting for AJ to come in. Geez Mom you think you could brighten up our room with some pictures or let us bring our toys in here for decorations? :-)

The day after the storm, it was sunny for a while but still cold, freezing temperatures.

Tommy:  "Hey come and look out the window with me"!

Snow shadows from the Muhly Grass

Our backyard and the bird bath is frozen solid

The sky is beautiful after the storm

The birdies were out and we got to watch them from our bird TV window.

Pretty snow, looks like it belongs here. 

Hope you enjoyed our snow and visit photos. The sun is out today and things are starting to warm up again. 


Tommy and Teaghan

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Happy Mew Year 2025!

Happy Mew Year!  Cats Rule the Earth! ðŸ˜»ðŸ˜»

Wishing everyone the best year of your journey here on Earth, filled with good health, success and wonderful stories of your life.  


Tommy and Teaghan 
(and the pawrents, Brenda and Bob)

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas from the Ts

Merry Christmas 2024 to all! 

May the beauty and magic of Christmas fill your heart with love and joy. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Best wishes for a blessed and Happy New Year in 2025.

Images created in AI/Night Cafe Studio. Not an exact photo match but it does a good job of rendering a Norwegian Forest Cat look colors and face.

Tommy and Teaghan
and the pawrents, Brenda and Bob

We are joining Wordless Wednesday too, and breaking the rules a little because we just can't stop talking! :-) 😻😻
