Friday, February 07, 2025

Teaghan's Ride for Food

Hi Y'all! Recently I had to go to the v.e.t. AGAIN just to see what is going on with my itchies and scratchies. It is driviing me crazy and making Mommy even crazier! Turns out it's not as bad as we thought it was and we are going to try a few natural things, get some more laxatone, and wait and see how that goes.  
After the v.e.t. visit (and Dr. Lyne is a really nice Dr. so it wasn't so bad after all...) I told Daddy Food Man I was hungry after all that fussin' at the v.e.t.  So I got to see where the Food Man gets our foods from! Wow! So this is where our purrvisions come from? Our stinky goodness? This is it? Well at least I know now where I can get my food in a mergency now. It was a quick visit and then we were on our way home. 

This is it? This is where our stinky goodness comes from? Can I go in and pick out my favorites?

Hurry up, I'm hungry! 

At home after a long morning, fed, and in for a long nap!


Teaghan and Tommy


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