Well, the humans are back finally! Yippee! We jumped all ofur them (well, mostly Beau Beau jumped on them and ranned around the house a few hunnred times) and Mommy drooled all ofur us bout how much she missed us.
We had to fess up to a leeettle ac-ci-dent that happened while they were on vay-cay-shun. You see, besides hafing fun wif Derby and Sammy and Miles when they teleported ofur to play wif us, we kept ourselves busy by attacking each ofur. The sisfur said we were actin' "psycho". "I don't fink we were actin' psycho did you Angie?" "Nut uh, not at all". But somehow in the middle of all our fun our stinky goodness dishes, the um, extra speshul an-teak dishes that Mommy lets us eat off of, kinda, um, gotted, um broked, um in half, um, um well, in pieces. Sisfur then made us eat off of ACK -- plastic plates! Oh, the shame of it. This leads us to the five weird things about us since we were tagged by
Abby and
Danielle. Abby tagged us both so we're giving 10 fings.
1. We (used to) eat our stinky goodness off of orange antique Bavarian plates.
2. Beau Beau likes to rip out of the wall and carry around the pink insulation that is supposed to STAY in the wall.
3. Beau Beau doesn't see the window glass so he tries to jump on the upper portion of the window even though the glass from the
bottom of the window is covering it.
4. Beau Beau walks around hrrrrumphing to himself like he's king of the house or somefin.
5. Beau Beau snores.
6. Angie starts rubbing her head and her ears on the first thing she is close to when Mommy starts talking to her in a high-pitched voice.
7. Angie snores.
8. Angie doesn't like to be picked up and held by anyone in the house but will actively seek out people to pick her up and hold her when there's a party. (what a party girl...)
9. Angie lays on top of her favrit box every day to look outside at the birds.
10. Angie likes to hide out downstairs inside a cardboard box (probably coz it's not upside down).
There are so many others that have prolly already been tagged but we'll try:
Bonnie & Victor
Tahoe & WinstonFurry PawsGattinaHere are the rules: The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself." In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.