I'm keeping an eye on all bathroom projeck activities. In this spot I can see the comings and goings of all materials and progress. I'm a little concerned about a coupla things but it's moving along as best as can be expekted. The hyoomans (mostly the daddy man) keep getting into the metal monsters and going to some Low store ofur and ofur again. They might have furry friendly peoples at the store but yoo get what you pays for. We has a reeely tight skedule due to the fact that the college girl will be coming home any day now and they wants their bathroom done so they don't all haf to share the little itty bitty one downstairs. Things could get a little squirrely (did I say dat? I don't efun know what dat means!) if the timeline has any slippage.
~Angie, Projeck manajer extrourdinair, signing off to get a little rest