We gonna be furry bizzy da next few days acoz Mom is co-runnin' a wine tastin' on Sunday and has to do lots of bizzy werk to get reddy for it. Lot's of cookin' gonna be goin' on here. I will help her by openin' da cabinets and gettin' my own treats so she duzn't haf to do it for me. I fink dat's only fair. I will also clean da floor from anyfing dat falls dare while she's cookin' (an dat's a lot). It's dose little bites dat add up yoo know. She's makin' little pumpkin cheesecakes dat will be just da right size for me.
Oh an Mom says if anyone has any tips for makin' doze little cheesecakes to fluff up to let us know. I will den snoopervise da cookin' activities an let yoo know. Angie needs to stay away from da cheese acoz I'm sure most of yoo know she is a leeetle laktoes senseetive and it am not a pretty fing if she eats it if yoo know what I mean. Heh heh.

I think that it would be great to hang around the kitchen and catch whatever drops! My Mommy has no idea how to make the cheesecakes fluff except to beat, beat , beat the mixture! The more air in it, the fluffier, right?
ReplyDeletecarry on beau beau, snoopervising is furry bizzy werk
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau, you look almost like a ghost! Or, maybe you saw a ghost and turned pale from fright. Have fun snoopervising the cooking.
ReplyDeleteOh Cheysuli and I aren't very good cooks. We are eaters in the house.
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau
ReplyDeleteNo one can be a better snoopervisor dan yu! Specially when der might be fings dat taste gud dat fall onto dee floor. OOO I need to come ofur and snoopervisor wif yu.
ooo a wine tasting wif lots of food! snoopervising that is furry impawtant!
ReplyDeleteOh, that's a neat picture. You better take a good nap today. You've got a lot of work to do tomorrow. It's very nice of your mom to make Beau-sized pumpkin cheesecakes.
Yum I love cheescake, but I don't know how to make it. The chef just buys it in.
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend you two helping your beans and keep Angie away from the cheese.
Oh BeauBeau yer looking all pale. Are yoo ok. All the food that falls on the floor should git yoo looking yer yooshull self again.
ReplyDeleteThe Ghost of Beau Beau.