Happy Easter efurryone! Da collij girl came home and I helped her color Easter eggs. She tried to color mine tail but I woodn't let her. Can yoo imajin? I almost had a pink tail.

Dese are owr pretty Easter eggs.

And for all yoo Ham lovers owt dare, here is da Easter Ham Pie before it wented into da oven.

This is the finished Ham Pie. YUUUMMMMM!

Mom had a recipe she got from some Italian-American friends a long time ago. There are no instrukshuns on how to put it together or how long to cook it so it camed out a little more browned dan she liked but at least it is all cooked frew.
She also couldn't find a good recipe on line so here is a fambly secret recipe:
Italian Ham Easter Pie
Shank ham bone in - 2-1/2 lb.
3/4 lb. prosciutto - sliced thick
1 cup Parmesan cheese
1 basket cheese
1 stick abruzzi sausage ( soak in warm water - 10 min - take skin off -)
1/2 lb. pepperoni
12 eggs
course pepper
For da pie dough -
6 cups flour
1 cup oil
1 cup warm water
3 eggs
course pepper
6 tsp baking powder
mix, roll out, put in pie plate, put in mixed up ingredients, bake at 400 for 15 mins - then 375 for 45 mins -- or use a store bought pie dough like we did for owr pie.
This recipe makes enuf for one pie and a 9x13 pan. Since we didn't use the dough part of the recipe - we don't know how much it would make but it looks like it's enuf for both pies.