We am tellin tales bout owr humans Rrooba in da Carrybein trip. Woodn't yoo know dat dey would meet a pretty girl cat right away? She gets to live on an island all da time. At least dare is some grass here but not much. But she gets to be surrouded by all dat water on da island (shudder).

These are da lizards dat are all ofur da island. Mom thot of
Daisy the Curly Cat rite away when she saw dese reely big lizards coz she knows how much Daisy likes dem.

Den da birds were all around Mom here on da island too. She had fun wathchin' da birds eat all da ofur humans food as soon as dey got up from da table and some birds efun eated dare food when da beans went to get more food ::snicker::.

And lookit dis shrimp feast dey found at a Sunday brunch! Now we know where to go to stock up on shrimp for da next one of owr parties.

An now we am reely jellus coz we didn't know she wuz bringin' Wally wif dem to Rrooba. Dat's no fair. He gets to go efurry where fun.

Looks like Wally mighta had more fun den da beans did after a swingin' night on da beach.

Next baycashun da beans take we am goin to pack owrselves up in da luggage so we can go haf some of dat shrimp and eat some leezards.