Update: Beau Beau did have his teeth stolen. SEVEN of them as a matter of fact. Mom is not pleased. Beau Beau looks like crap and my heart is breaking from what he must be going through right now. If anyone has gone through teeth extraction with any of your babies any advice would be extremely appreciated. I'm really upset that the didn't even call and ask if it was ok to remove them. I thought he was just getting a cleaning and didn't know it was an automatic process that they would just go ahead and remove his teeth. On top of that no one was there to even explain what happened. I had to practically pry it out of them and get an explanation of why and which ones. The first explanation from the vet (from the back room) I got was "he just has bad genes." When I questioned them more and actually got to talk to another vet she explained better but I am still in shock. He's only 3 years old -- I just realized that I missed his birthday this month.. Ohhhhh. Crap.
Thanks,Beau Beau's Mom BrendaUt oh. I jus found owt dat I am goin to see da Docatari dis mornin at da stabby place. Dey are gonna STEAL MY TEEFIES! What Mom? Oh dey are gonna clean my teef. My teef aren't clean enuf alreddy? Jus acose I haf stinky bref duzn't mean I should get my teef cleaned. I mean, I eat stinky goodness so dat's why I haf stinky bref. Angie likes it. She lets me lick her head alla time. Powder likes it when I gifs her kisses too.
Ut oh. Now I jus found owt dat dat dey are not lettin me eat ANY STINKY GOODNESS TODAY! Gasp! :Thud: Ohhhh Nooooo.

~Bad Bref Beau Beau
Oh no not the teefs doktor!!!! I don't like him at all cuz he stealed three of my teefs, but when Flynn went, he didn't steal any of his. The no food is the werstest part though. I'll purr furr you so you don't starve.
ReplyDeletepurrrrrrrrrrs furrom Eric
Flynn said he's sending purrs too.
Oh no, Beau Beau - no stinky goodness? We hope that all goes well with your teeth cleaning!
ReplyDeleteOH NO! Beau-Beau, Powder will come over and make you feel better. I just told her and she's on her way!
ReplyDeleteOh no, getting your teefies cleaned is easy, but NOT STINKY GOODNESS!!!!
ReplyDeleteHope all goes well!
But Beau you has a beooootiful smile. Maybe you just need some mints?
ReplyDeleteGood luck dude.
Poppy Q
BEAU BEAU!!! do NOT let them steal your teefs!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI will sneak you some tem-tay-shuns
be brave beau beau, yoo have furry rare and precious teef too
ReplyDeleteEEK say it ain't so Beau Beau! You're goin to da toof docktor and can't have NO foods?
ReplyDeleteAIYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I feels furr yu, I reely due....Sending yoo all of my purrs
Purr purr purr
Listerine? Scope? Fresh Burst? We'll share...
ReplyDeleteOH NOOOOES!!!! I hate teeths. Hate 'em a lot. Why do they cause so many problems?
ReplyDeleteMy Mommie has started brushing my teeths every day. I do not enjoy it.
Beau Beau, no wonder you look so totally shocked! No stinky goodness? Horrible!
ReplyDeleteno foods! no foods! oh no! you'll be to weak to fight off the VET.
ReplyDeleteOh no! One time when I went to the doctor they STOLE one of my teeth and never gave it back!! I hope that doesn't happen to you.
ReplyDeleteA good looking Mancat like you can't possibly have bad bref, Beau Beau.
Oh Beau Beau you do look very startled in that picture. Hearing that you aren't getting your stinky goodness would make anyone startled!
ReplyDeleteGood luck at the VET.
Will you smell all minty fresh when you come home?
ReplyDeleteOh no the VET! And not stinky goodness! What has the world come to?
ReplyDeleteOh noes! Not da teefs! Dat's when I was kept prizoner ofurnite an sawed the flyin purple mousies! You want me to come keep you company, bro?
ReplyDeleteFanks fur the kind werds bout Bonnie, too. Dude, I luv you. An Angie too. HUGS an ankle rubs, as appropriate!
Oh no, they stole your teeth without telling your mom??????? Seven is a lot of teeth. Will it affect what you eat from now on?
ReplyDeleteoh Brenda, I am so sorry!!! Miles had 5 teeth removed when he was just 1, and still has to have at least 5 more removed. Did they say that he had something called FOWLERS (I think that's the spelling, it's was Dorfy at 40 paws has and what Miles has). Our vet called me to tell me how many teeth Miles needed to have removed - when she said 10 I about lost my mind. I told her NO. She said 5 had to come out right away, and that she would laminate his other teeth to keep the disease from spreading so fast.
ReplyDeleteMiles did fine when he came home. He had pain medication and auntys botiks, and I think giving them to him hurt his mouth more than anything. After about 2 days he was back to being his normal self and scarfing down temtations. When Miles had his surgery I insisted that they use the anesthesia that they come out of fast so that he could come home the same day. I was not about to let him stay there overnight.
Ralphie lost all his teeth when he got cancer, but he was able to still eat his crunchy foods and treats with no problems. I feel so bad for BeauBeau!! And you!!! The treatment and explanations from the vet are extremely inadequate. How awful!!
Meezer Mom Mary
Oh Brenda - I am so sorry for Beau Beau! I have no help here - all of the kids still have their teeth (for now) I'd ask forty paws, Maw has had a lot of experience with Dorf.
ReplyDeletePowder is on her way to hold Beau Beau's paw.
honey has had 2 dental2, 5 teeth out in the first, they were loose in the gums, never developed properly from birth, the second she had 1 molar that was totally decayed down to the bone in the jaw line. when she got home the second time, she was eating food within an hour. they can eat even with no teeth. i think she had more pain with the second one because of the extent of the decay. you have to be careful cause tooth or gum problems can infect and get into their bloodstream and cause all kinds of other problems with other organs.
ReplyDeleteI freak whenever she has a dental till she is awake and ready to come home. my vet actually called me during the dental to tell me about the extractions
Bless his little heart! Does he have a cone on? Is his little teefies all closed up? Is he on a soft food diet and such? I hope you don't go through what Dorfie did.
ReplyDeleteDorfie ended up having FORLS, and had them for several years before we knew about his teeth problems.
Poor ol' Dorfie had his teeth removed over a year and a half and they took all of them in 3 separate trips! He is fine now though. He eats everything just fine and doesn't have any troubles. He even gets along fine with the other cats, except that the other cats got used to him being grumpy over a 3 year period and didn't realize how badly his teeth behaved him.
Anyways, if you've got questions, just email them to us! We'll help you out. Good luck with Beau Beau!!
Luf, Us
Bless his little heart! Does he have a cone on? Is his little teefies all closed up? Is he on a soft food diet and such? I hope you don't go through what Dorfie did.
ReplyDeleteDorfie ended up having FORLS, and had them for several years before we knew about his teeth problems.
Poor ol' Dorfie had his teeth removed over a year and a half and they took all of them in 3 separate trips! He is fine now though. He eats everything just fine and doesn't have any troubles. He even gets along fine with the other cats, except that the other cats got used to him being grumpy over a 3 year period and didn't realize how badly his teeth behaved him.
Anyways, if you've got questions, just email them to us! We'll help you out. Good luck with Beau Beau!!
Luf, Us
Chey lost about 7 when she was three. I am worried about having her go back in for another dentistry. There is a long name that I can't spell for what she has that does cause problems but it is more common in Siamese.
ReplyDeleteWe need to take her to Georgia's vet to see if there is anything we can do to help keep her from loosing more!
Long time lurker, first time poster...I am the mother of 6..one of whom, my oldest girl , Munchkin is Beau Beau-s twin...sending soft, soft ear kisses from my tribe..poor baby.
ReplyDeleteI can't say that I think very much of a vet who does not tell you that removal is a part of their process, doesn't call and doesn't have the courtesy of a straight answer for you.
Our ears are flat and our tails are bushy in support here in Houston.
Hugs and Headbutts
Oh no Beau Beau! Turkey and chick-hen baby food...Sadie had two of her teefs out, cuz dey broke. Dey sed dat she was prolly malnurished when she was a kitten and den haffing babies so young and not getting enuff to eat. Anyway, baby food is furry deelishus, Sadie even begged fur it after her teef pulling was all healed up. Mom just doesn't get why dey din't tell yoor mom dat dey may pull dem if dey is bad. Our teef doctor even called mom to tell her dat der was another one dat was broke and dey was gonna pull it, well, dat tek called cuz da doctor was bizzy cleaning da rest of Sadie's teefs. Sadie was fine after about four days.
ReplyDeletePurrs to BeauBeau and BeauBeau's mum. We cats don't use our teeth to eat regular foods, we crunch our crunchies against the hard roof of our mouth. Since we modern cats don't usually rip meat from our prey, we don't need our teeths as much.
ReplyDeletePurrs that you feel better soonest.
Oah Beau Beau~!
ReplyDeleteI really hope your teeth doing ok!!!!!
Oh no! BeauBeau, how can they do that? Take your teefies? What?
ReplyDeleteOh my handsome friend Beau, I is sooo sorry that you feel so rough, and the vet took all them teeths away from you.
ReplyDeleteI have all my teethies and my mum doesn't have any advice beside smooches and maybe some icecream would help (being nice and cold and creamy).
Smooches to you big guy.
Poppy q
Oh noes, Beau Beau! Sorry that you have ur teeths taken out without permission.
ReplyDeleteExtra purrs for u and hope u get back to nom nom-ing soon.
Bummer Beau Beau! Mommakitty's 2 cats that came before us never had their teef cleaned (either by momma or da vet). They lived to be 13 & 15. Momma asked da vet one day whut would happen if they never gotted their teef cleaned and da vet said some cats would have teef fall out and they might swallow or lose them wif out problems. They never hadded any gum infections either so maybe they wuz just lucky. Momma finks it's unnatural to have a kitty git their teefs brushed unless infections start to happen. There are kitty products out there that you can chews on that helps wif da tartar issues. We hopes you don't gots to git any more teefs pulled!
ReplyDeleteDood, no! That sucks majorly. I really hope that if you didn't poop on the stabby people that your Mom did. She's within her rights to spread all kinds of bodily things around that stabby place. Bot telling her upfront is not right, and if that doesn't call for poop, I dont know what does.
ReplyDeleteP.S. if she decides to go back and poop on them, please go wither her and take a camera.
Poor Beau Beau, I had some teeth stolen from me too before. Not fun! Hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteLove, Seaborne
We didn't see the update on this until we had already read the next post. Poor Beau Beau. 7 teefs seem like an awful lot for a 3 year old! Vincent who came before lost a lot of teefs, but he was older when that happened. They had him eat only stinky goodness for 2 weeks and then he went right back to his crunchies. He seemed to feel a lot better after about 2 days.
ReplyDeleteHow awful what they did! Not fair! Let me give you a manly cuddle, Beau Beau ...