Since the day the awful v.e.t stoled seven of mine teef I haf been fankful dat I haf any teef left at all. Da vet lady said "yoo'll be back and we'll take da rest someday." Um. No. We won't be back and mine teef will be fine. Dis teef fing just put Mommy ofur da edge as far as what to feed us.
Now we are eating raw food. We still likes owr stinky goodness but dat will end up mostly being a treat (we still get canned Instinct or Wellness). We get raw chicken once a day or sometimes we gets lamb chops (when dey am on sale) an if da neybor gets any more vishus deer some day den we will get some of dat.
As yoo can see it takes a lot of chewin' an chawin' to eat dat chicken. It am lots of fun to eat raw meat. We gets to naw at da bone an stuff. What's dis haf to do wif teef yoo want to know? It helps to clean owr teef clean coz we actually chews somefin. And NO, dry food duz not do da same fing. Mom duzn't efun like to say da "k" werd - |kibble| coz dat's just BAD stuff. Yoo can read about feeding dry food and why not to feed dry food here.
Mom had two male cats from before who both ended up wif surgery to correct urinary track blockages they got from eating cheap stinky goodness and dry food. One died from lymphoma (HUGE tumor at the injection site for vaccines and dat's why we don't get vaccines unless absolutely necessary like rabies and dat's it) and the other ended up dying from complications due to diabetes. He had flaky skin and what she now knows were allergies to da food he wuz eating.
Mom now reads efurryting about what to feed cats and about why so many cats are dying from human diseases. Da latest book she read is The Veterinarians' Guide to Natural Remedies for Cats by Martin Zucker. Dare are all kinds of recommendations on what to feed us. Plus Angie's new holistic v.e.t. she went to said it was fine for us to eat da chicken. We wuz going to use dat meat grinder but he said we could just eat a cut up chicken leg and dat's what we do.
Mine teef look good, bouf me an Angie's breaf smells 100% better an I lost one and a half pounds. Look! I efun haf a waist now but I lost mine love handles. Do yoo finks Powder will still like me wifout dem?

Wow...it sounds like this new diet is really working out for your health! That is wonderful!!!
ReplyDeletewow, that new diet sounds great. I always get raw chick-hen and raw bacon and raw pork and raw beef 'cause I beg mommy for it by poking her in her hiney when she's preparing it for her dinner. But I has to eat 'skripshun purina dental crunchies 'acuase of my gum disease. but mommy only gives that to me once in a while and she says that when this bag is gone she will not be buying anymore of it.
ReplyDeleteand we eat sheba chick-hen as a treat 'acuase it's just chick-hen and nofing else (we can't eat it as regular stinky goodness 'acause it does not have all the fings in it that cats need for their healf like taurine for our eyes so that we doesn't go blind). She is trying to find recipes (like the one on Artsy Catsy's site) that are good for kitties to eat and that haf all the nutrients in it that we needs so that she doesn't haf to buy as much stinky goodness for us. Does your mom know of any good recipe books?
Better bref? I may have to consider that...
ReplyDeleteI bet it does take a while to chew on that :) You look mighty happy,heehee
ReplyDeletePurrs Mickey
oh gudness Momma we can't have no more treats anymore?????
ReplyDeleteAbby<~~~~werrin she'll lose her favorite treats.....
Diet is important but for some us the whole thing is that it is genetic from over breeding. Believe me, the Woman is rabid about naturopathic medicine starting with diet. She won't even go back to our old regular vet because they were insisting I go on a Science Diet perscription diet and she believes that would make us all worse.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing very good....
ReplyDeleteI haven't had any diet program before....so I can't imagine that feeling, but I am admiring you!
I am so glad the new diet seems to be working! You look very handsome, Beau Beau. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are pretty cute chomping on that meat Beau Beau!
ReplyDeleteWhen mom tries to give us bites of raw chicken we sniff & walk away. We don't recognize it as food. How did you transition to raw?
I think that does sound like a very good diet for you. I get my teeths brushed most days, and my Mommie says that right after I have eaten there is lots of stuff stuck in my teeths!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about you loosing some teefs. It looks like your doing ok wifout them though. My brofur Stryder is missing one of his fangs. He eats real good without it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting me on Floof & Fur. Your very pretty kitties too.
That first picture of you was so cute! I love the look on your face.
ReplyDeleteThis new diet is really helping you, it seems. Mom worries a lot about what we're eating, and how it will affect us.
ReplyDeleteowr Lady's gettin' a book 'bout what ta feed us too. she wants us ta be all healthy an stuff an she wants me ta stop scratchin' mine furs offa mine neck. i finally did stop scratchin' an mine neck gotted all better cuz of NO TEMPTATIONS FOR ME. huge bummer that is!
pee ess: Angie, you just gotta join the new Floof an Fur club fur 'specially floofy kitties. you just gotta!
We're very glad to see that your waistline has improved!Hooray that you can still chew your chick-hen!
ReplyDeleteYou get RAW foods to eat? Mum will only give me cooked meats. I will have to bug her about some raw stuff to taste.
ReplyDeletebeeyooteeful Angie, in case yoo duzzn't haf it alreddy, here's the linky if yoo wanna join (which yoo should, i fink): http://floofandfur.blogspot.com/
Hmm, mom haf been looking for better ways to feed alla us. Dad sed no to da raw chick-hen last year cuz dey put so much crap into da chick-hens to make dem bigger and he's worried dat all dat crap will make us sick...Zippy is kinda picky and won't eat any raw food or any other kinda kibble den purina cat chow. She actually made herself sick cuz mom tried to change food, she din't eat fur almost a week!
ReplyDeleteThe Woman wants to know...when you get all he raw foods, do your people have to add anything so you get taurine? Or is taurine naturally in the food? And you don't get stomach bug and parasites from raw food?
ReplyDeleteRaw meat gives her the heebie jeebies, but she's open to ideas.
That chick-hen looks deee=lightful! We're glad that your foods are helping your teeths. And giving you a waistline. You're looking hot, Beau Beau! ;)
ReplyDeleteYour pal,
Raw food huh? We never knew kitties could eat that.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I stopped by today! ML has been pulling her head furs out about the geriatrics eating habits over here. Bianca won't eat any dry and will only eat maybe two flavors of the cheapest, worst canned shit...9 lives! ACK. And sometimes only one flavor.
ReplyDeleteThe rest of us are not so picky and will even eat organic stuffs but this is a great idea. ML did not know you can feed it to us raw, but since she's so lazy and rarely ever cooks it for us, this will work!