BB: Don't cha fink I should haf mine own bloggie? Angie is hardly efur on here anyway rite? I will haf mine own blog an Angie can haf hers an if she has somefin to say den she can say it.
Mom: Um, I don't think so Beau Beau. This typist is getting out of control with all the blogs and websites and other things she's trying to do. Your own blog is just going to confuse me even more. I barely have time to help you visit all your friends now.
BB: How bout if'n you just don't sleep as much huh? How about I wake you up at free a.m. an den you get up wif me an help me den huh? Yoo know if yoo don't sleep you can gets a lot more done. Schmaybe yoo can start eating stinky goodness or eat yur food raw too. It duzn't take much time dat way and den yoo will haf more time for me!
Mom: Beau Beau aren't you supposed to say three nice things a day now? How about you concentrate on that.
BB: Sigh. Oh yeah. ok. It's really hard to do dis yoo know. I can't fink of anyfing.
Mom: Beau Beau....
BB: OK OK. 1. Yoo look lovely today Angie.
2. I finks Powder is still a little cutie hottie. (can I say dat Mom?)
3. Thank you Mom for washing mine paws off after I stepped on da wet floor.
How's dat for a start?