Fanks efurryone for my Gotcha Day wishes. I am furry fankful for haffing such a nice bunch of friends. No party for me but Angie's Gotcha day am coming in December so schmaybe we will haf one den early in da monff to kick off da most wonnerful time of da year in December.

Yoo were all correct on whose toesies belonged to which one of us. Mine a kinda small lookin. Hmmmm I may have to do paw exercizzez or somefin to makes dem more mancat like.

Angie's toesies are more floofy like which yoo all guessed wif dat floofiness stickin owt of her pads.

Fanks for playin da toesies guessin game!
We finks yoo boff got grate toesies!
Those are some really nice picktures of yoos guys. purrs.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had a good gotcha day! And we were proud of ourselves for being right!
ReplyDeleteYou both look bee-utiful, toesies included!
ReplyDeleteIt was a fun guessing game!
ReplyDeleteYeah! We were right on the toesies! You guys got some great toesies there!
ReplyDeleteYoo haf furry nice mancat feets, Beau Beau, we just love yoor long legs.
ReplyDeleteYou are both so cute and have nice toosies.
ReplyDeletewe thinks your tosies are just purrfekt
ReplyDeleteBeauBeau, you're definitely a handsome Mancat, no matter what size your toes are!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Beau Beau - my paws don't have very much fur on them either. That doesn't mean we're non-mancatly! ;-)