Monday, July 13, 2009

Family in Progress Update

Da baby Robins are growing more an more each day. Dey are gettin so big. We finks we see four of dem in da nest. Now one of da biggest ones stands up an is spreadin his wings. Angie will haf to stay in da howse for da next few days cuz when dey fall outta da nest dey still cannot fly. An we do not want to talk about what could happen when a little birdie is hoppin around next to a mighty girl cat hunter like Angie.

Lookit da baby Robins pretty eyelashes! How cuuuuute!
An here yoo can see da baby Robin's soft beak an its little nose hole. We will update when dey fly da nest. We read dat dey hop around for bout three days den dey can fly after dat.

~Beau Beau an Angie repurtin from da big howse


  1. They sure are cute - but keeping Angie in is probably a very good idea!

  2. Those baby robins are growing well.
    Mum is very pleased with us cuz the baby blackbirds that were born in our hedge were hopping around in the garden and she told us we mustn't touch them. We just watched them and now they have all flown. She said it is the first year that she hasn't been running around keeping us away from the babies.We don't think we would be as good if she told us not to catch mousies though.

  3. Wow thems cute little baby birds. We hope they get to grow up and fly away soon.

  4. Oh they are looking cute--I can't wait to see them fly.

  5. htey are cute! we love the eyelashes!!

  6. How neat. Free entertainment. You're going to miss them when they've gone.

  7. Those are pretty cute babies!

  8. I see baby birds but they can fly already when I sees them. You are special to see them so young.

  9. Gosh, we never knew baby robins have eyelashes!!
