Monday, September 21, 2009

Mancat Monday

Dare am somefin funny bout dis sinky. Dare am lots of holes where no holes should be.

Look ma, I can see all da way up frew da middle of da sink.
And, Mom, is dis da same sinky hole like we hads a da last house dat yoo nefur put da soapy fing in? Is it gonna stay like dis mom? huh? I can stick my paw rite here jus like before.
But now dare is anufur hole here where where I can put my whole arm paw an all frew dare. Dis am one funny sinky we gots here. Furry good for cats cuz dare am NO water! We likes it like dis. ~Beau Beau, projeck manajer


  1. Beau Beau
    We nefur gots to do dat wif our sink and now der's no holes to put our pawsies in...keep snooversizin dat cookin room cuz der is lots and lots dat needs snooverzizin!


  2. That sink looks like fun but I am not sure it is set up for water!

  3. That is a funny sink...cuz there's no water!!!

  4. Beau Beau, I am glad you are the project manager. I think that you are right and some isn't right! I was wondering if that the new garbage disposal for tuna, ham and chic-ken.

  5. we likes that sink alots!!!!

  6. I think the granite around the sink is a very beautiful color!

  7. That's a sink I would curl up risk of stoopid people turning water on.

    And Daisy is right...very nice color there!

  8. Wow your rents are building you some huge cat toys Beau. Be careful where you stick your paws.

  9. Wow, you are quite the home inspector! Good thing you are lookin out for your beans and their home improvements!

  10. Inspecting holes is very impawtant and can only be done properly by putting your arm in right up to your armpit.

  11. That sink isn't very effective! Hehe ... have fun playing with it because I'm pretty sure soon it will be working and full of water!

  12. Oh your office is turning out so pretty BeauBeau! I love all of the holes

  13. Wow - you get to check out all of the stuff before it's finished! We don't even get to go in the remodeling room until it's all done.

    You're a great project manager!

    Charlemagne and Tamar
