Da beans spent Valentine's Day in New York City an all we got were deze picshures! Macy's windows. Always da best. Yes, Love is always da best fing right?

Den dey went by a Mercedez Benz Fashun Show. Mom says she jus wants da Mercedez, not da clothes. Cough, cough, um Mom, yoo could yoose some fashun, yoo know?
Yoo not as bad as dis "swamp fing" guy but yur closet could be better. Jus sayin.
Da Swamp guy wuz akshully from Army an Navy Outfitters store givin away $10 gif cards. Mom wuz more interested in him cuz she wouldn't know a design purson or a model if dey screamed at her who dey were. But she did see some lady get owt of a limo who had da bestest lookin' calves on a purrson she efur seen. She wuz inspired to start workin owt so her leggies could look like dat. Well yoo know we cats alreddy haf da bestest leggies dat Mom gets to look at effury day so dat lady's musta been pawsome!

Den Mom saw dis pretty lady in da prettiest pink coat! We knew Skeezix would just be so in love wif dis dat she hadda take a picshure of it for him. Schmaybe he could make a copy of it to model.

What would Valentine's day be wifout a big heart? Peoples were lining up in front of it in da middle of Times Square so dey could get dare picshure taken dare.

Da best part wuz da food from Becco in NYC. Da beans like to go dare when dey go to da city cuz da food is soooooo good. One of da pasta's of da day wuz speshul Valentine ravioli stuff wif goat cheese an shaped like hearts. Dey ate efurryting on da plate an did not bring us home a taste at all. We finks we should protest a little about da food dat we do not get any of. Schmaybe dey could get a kittie bag to go? Yoo know, jus like a doggie bag but smaller?

Hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day. We got lots of smoochies when dey finally got home an fed us. Loves to all!
~Beau Beau an Angie