Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vishus Deer Wednesday

We wuz so surprized to see dis vishus lady deer in owr garden we almost peed owrselves.   Look at dis - she wuz sayin "I'm coming to get yoo!"

Oh my COD!  Jus like Skeezy used to say, she's likin' her lips thinkin of us nice joosy kittehs.

 Holy Cats!  I don't fink she can see me over here.  I am not movin' a muscle.  Now I know how da birdies feel.

Holy cats!  Daddy come get dis lady out of owr yard!  I fink she sees me! Ack!

Can yoo beleeve dis?  I am not afraid.  Do not fear the vishus introoders.  Stay tooned for more bisits of da manimal kingdom.

~Angie - 


  1. We have no experience with deer, vishus or otherwise. Our human is oohing and ahhing, though. :-)

  2. Be safe with the vishus deer! We are lucky that we have a large fence around our backyard that keeps out those vishus deer because they come up our street sometimes.

  3. Wow, those things never get that close to our house!

  4. Eek! I hope you have lots of cans of VDR.

  5. OMC! That looks like the same vishus deer that was in our yard last week!

  6. Wow, you had deer in your yard. Did you chase it?

  7. Angie, this Vishus Deer is really pushing it and has an inordinate amount of cheek invading your garden. Vishus AND rude! I think you are really brave to get so close, I would run!


  8. Angie, we thinks the deer looks kinda sweet.

    Happy Gotcha Day Beau Beau!!!!

  9. Happy Gotcha Day Angelica, we hopes the deer didn't get you.

  10. You pop in to wish you a Happy Gotcha Day Angelica :)

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Angie. Hope you and Beau Bear are doing well. Your mom and dad too. :)
