Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Selfies

Angie is Joining 
for today's #SundaySelfie

Angie's doing Easy Like Sunday

Hi effuryone!  It's been a while since I've posted.  It's been a busy Summer for me.  I've been chasing some funny lookin mousies outside, resting in between the Coneflowers and under the bushes, and watching the birds in the birdfeeder.  So today after I saw the lovely Annabelle from manxmnews's Sunday Selfie I (well really it was Mommy), wanted me to join in and show off my Selfie.  I say Mommy made me do it because if you can see here I'm not looking too happy.  We won't bore you with all the outtakes that happened before we even got these two pictures.  Well, it is SUNDAY you know and I WAS sleeping... then as I finally stopped turning my head and saw myself in the selfie camera thingy, I realized I needed to take a bath.  We lovely furry lady cats do have to keep ourselves looking purrfect you know.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Purrs, Angie


  1. Lovely to see you again Angie! They are sweet selfies too.

  2. Wonderful selfies, Angie! It's so nice to see you blogging, sweet girl. :)

  3. I mostly enjoy doing selfies, Angie! You should give it a try when you are more awake!

  4. We think those are great selfies sweet Angie!

  5. Hi Angie! It's so great to see you. That's a very good selfie.

  6. You look very nice. I bet you are beautiful when you are totally awake.
    Purrs, Teddy

  7. hay ewe gorgeouz N what a total lee awesum selfeez angie !!! hope yur summer keepz goin well, keep lookin for mouzes but stay a way frum BURDZ...ya noe ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  8. Hello gorgeous Angie! I'm sorry Mom is so late in telling you how much she loved your Selfie. We hope you can come back next week for another!!!

  9. Its good to see you in the selfies Angei!!

  10. How nice to see you today! It is a pain trying to keep ourselves looking gorgeous for that flashy box!
