Saturday, February 25, 2023

Caturday Art Two Red Haired Tabbies go to the beach

 Caturday Art

How in the heck did we get here?
Artwork created in Dream by Wombo
This photo painting was created using the prompt: two red tabbies go to the beach and one of their photos. I don't remember what style I picked for it.

I had fun a while ago when I first started playing around with the AI Art in Dream by WOMBO.  I'm a little obsessive when it comes to online stuff, games, etc. That's why I have to be careful with online games or now, online art! :-)  A few days of obsessively creating these dream cards and I had to put that to rest so I could get working on my other art projects. It did give me some ideas on how to start to paint some pictures of Tommy and Teaghan. I am a watercolor artist and haven't even tried yet because I've been intimidated by all the white shadows in their fur. Now that I have played around with this AI art somewhat, I think I can use more vibrant colors and/or do some abstract paintings of them instead of trying to paint them exactly as they are.  

This AI art is easy to do, fun, and relaxing and a lot come out really interesting. Some day you'll be seeing a real painting from me instead of these dream cards.

Come see more art at the Caturday Art blog hop! 

Purrs and xo,
Tommy, Teaghan, and the Mom Brenda

Friday, February 24, 2023

Flashback Friday and Tommy and Teaghan's 6th Birthday!

 Flashback Friday and Tommy and Teaghan's 6th Birthday!

Here's the story of their birth from the post on 2/24/2017 by our kitties in Heaven, Beau Beau and Angie:

So the story continues! Beau Beau here, and I have finally managed to get my message through to the humans - our Mommy Brenda, and Mommy Colleen, the new human mommy (for now… MOL). Colleen is a furry special human mommy to about a squillion other kittehs.  We know cuz we met one of her special furry loves, Gwen, over here at the Rainbow Bridge.  Gwen came here to da bridge on 01-Dec-2014 before I got here and met me right away.  We have been watching over things along with Angie and sending our love to help heal our human’s hearts. Gwen told us how her Mommy Colleen was the mommy of a squillion Norwegian Forest Cat babies and had helped so many other rescue kitties back in the day to find new homes.  And so when our Mommy was ready and was looking for new kitties to bring home, she looked at a few rescue places and ended up looking online at a local CT Ragdoll breeder.  You see, she always had thought that Angie was a Ragdoll cat and wanted a nice loving soft kitty like that again.  But, while she was online we sent her to Colleen’s website, Finnishline Norwegian Forest Cats, where she saw many kitties who looked more like Angie.  In her heart she knew that this was the place.  Now, we knew she did not want an exact version of either of us but something about the beautiful NFC's there drew her in (yeah really it was us meowing into her ear).   

Then Mommy Colleen and Mommy Brenda started emailing each other and they talked and it was like they knew each other from lifetimes ago.  Well, ahem, that’s cuz we have been talking to both of them in their dreams every night and they just didn’t know it!  Our mommy and daddy decided they wanted not one but two new kitteh’s so they could keep each other company just like me and Angie did with each other. 

And the waiting began. Hoping for at least two kitteh’s that bond together is big order to put in with the Universe but we were all pulling for it. Mommy Colleen’s two beautiful kitty mommies, McKenzie, and Rhianna, were both pregnant and due February/March. So guess what?  The beautiful McKenzie had her 3 babies on February 24th!  She had two boys and one girl. This is the Finnishline “T” litter so their names start with “T”. 
Here they are with their Mommy McKenzie (who by the way is another most wonderful mommy) : Left to Right: Tyler, Teaghan and Tomas.

Life is full of signs and signals.  Here are a few that we threw at them: my first name (Beau Beau) was “Tommy” when Daddy found me at the Meriden Humane Society back in ‘05.  Before she even knew that, Colleen said to Mommy, “Tommy” would be a good nickname for “Tomas”…  Wow! Tomas also has a beautiful white heart on his back – that wuz to get Mommy’s attention cuz she loves hearts.  Also, Teaghan has a couple of beautiful red spots on her back, just like Angie’s red spot she had on her back.  Both Teaghan and Tomas go limp when Mommy Colleen picks them up, just like we did when we got picked up.  McKenzie’s mom, Fiona, had her first litter on 27-Oct-2008.  Angie passed away on 27-Oct-2016. There are more signs that we are working on sending...

So after watching some behaviors of how the 3 “T”s get along, and the human Mommies talking,  so far it looks like Teaghan and Tomas will be the new kitteh's of the Swick/Bentley House!  

Finnishline Teaghan - (with Angie's red spot on her back)


Finnishline Tomas

Tomas and his white heart

All Photo credits and permission by Colleen McGrady of Finnishline Norwegian Forest Cats

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thankful Thursday - Nice Neighbors

The hyoomins went to visit our grammy up North for her birthday and we are thankful for a very nice, loving, and well cared for time while they were away. We got to have a great time with our nice new neighbors, our new furriends, Teresa and Rob. We reely like them cuz they were so nice to us and took great care of us. They came over a squillion times a day, took pictures of us every day and even took a video so we could say hi to Mommy and Food Daddy.  And we got lots of petting and rubs, got lots of play time in, and got lots of food. Plus we even got combed! 

We had lots of fun and it was a good time and we are thankful for our new furriends. And we are thankful and happy to see our hyoomins again. We did look out the front door this morning looking for Teresa (aka Aunt T) to see if she was coming back to give us more foods and lovins. Mom says she will come back soon to visit us. 

Tommy:  Here I am making sure I put my smells all over Aunt T's jacket. That way her furry girls will know who I am. 

Thank you Aunt T for the good combing. We look all nice and pretty now.

Ohhhh that's nice. Thank you Aunt T.

Heh heh, I got more of my furs for you to take home on your coat.
 Or schmaybe you can just take me home with you so I can meet your girls. 😻 

We were nice and relaxed and had a great time with Aunt T.

Thank you all for reading our story and reading about our new furriends, Aunt T and Rob. We all are so thankful for their loving care and making us all feel good, reassured, and less anxious about being apart. And now we are thankful our Mommy and Food daddy are home and so are they! Mom says they will return the favor and take care of Aunt T and Robs furry girls some day soon too. So thankful for good friends and neighbors! 

Join us for Thankful Thursday Blog Hop here:

Friday, February 17, 2023

Flashback Friday - Before the Ts

 Copy and Paste from Nov 2016. 

As Tommy and Teaghan's birthday is coming up I decided to take a look back at where we were before we got them. 

Back to Beau Beau and Angie:

The blog for Beau Beau and Angie was born on February 19, 2006.  It all started with a blog post that I had replied to somewhere about feeding cats tuna fish.  Next thing I know I was creating a blog so that I could reply to the tuna fish guy.  I didn't give it much thought about naming it, therefore the non cat specific url is Cathy (who sadly is no longer with us) from Beau’s bloggie found my blog and sent a link introducing us to some of the few cat bloggers there were at that time.  Once that happened I decided to stick with the url and name of Beau Beau and Angie's Fur Days and we were off and on a roll. 

As I was looking back at those early days of the blog and my life with Beau Beau and Angie, I thought “wow, how did I make it through those years of my life”?  Then I realized that I made it through those years with my sanity because of them.  I was transitioning into a new life from a divorce in late 2002 and a new relationship with my boyfriend and his 14 year-old daughter.  I moved in with them and almost 3 years later along came Beau Beau and Angie just when we all needed them the most.

The furkids brought liveliness, energy, joy, love, fun, enjoyment, distraction from our problems, learning, growth, care giving, and immense entertainment to our everyday lives.  We worried about their health and well being a lot.  We loved them intensely.  We taught them about the big outdoors.  We gradually brought them outside so they could enjoy the weather and have some fun.  There are plenty of stories there!  During this time we got married.  My stepdaughter went to college.  We moved to another house.  Although it was only a mile away it was probably the most terrifying day of Beau Beau and Angie’s life (not to say our own with worry about them).  We moved out and moved into our new home in one day while they went to stay with our family for the day.  They lived with us in our house until they both passed, Beau Beau in December 2014 and Angie at the end of October this year. 

All of their lives with us are here in these pages.  Memories of them are so close it’s like they are still here except for the stillness of the house without their presence.  They are now our Angel cats and their memories will live on for some time within these pages.  The blog went from Beau Beau and Angie’s fur days, to All About Angie after Beau Beau passed and now back again.  Many thanks to the beautiful job done by Ann from Zoolatry for the new header for the holidays! 

Starting after the holidays my husband and I are going to be searching for a couple of cats to fill our home with love again.  As before we know that it will be them that will find us actually.  We are thinking that Beau Beau and Angie will be guiding the process somehow.  The new ones will have big paws to fill for sure!  So stay tuned for the search, the adventures and the stories of our future furkids.  

Blessings and purrs,

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentines Day from The Ts


Meomy painted and created this pretty Valentine's Day card for efurryone. We loves you all and many purrs and hugs on this Happy Valentine's Day.


Tommy and Teaghan, and Meomy and Food Dad. 

Come join Comedy Plus for their Happy Tuesday Blog Hop!


Thursday, February 09, 2023

Thankful Thursday and Tommy with a T or a Heart

 Thankful Thursday and Tommy with a T or a Heart

For Valentines week we are looking at a heart today. Since Tommy was a teeny weeny kitten, we have always seen his back marking as a heart shape. What shape do you see? 

And we are soooo thankful to our first Hyoomin Mommy, Colleen, for taking care of us until we gotted to our new home with Food Daddy and Mommy.  And we are thankful for all the love and care have gotten these past years in our new homes. We are almost six years old! Oh my Cod!

Tommy with his heart shape.

Sort of a T or is it a heart?
What do you see? A heart or another shape?

Another view - kind of like a T

Purrs, Tommy and Teaghan  XO

Joining Brian's Home for Thankful Thursday!

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

High High Birdie in the Sky


Tommy: What in the heck? How did that birdie get up there? 

Teaghan: I don't know but I sure am not going anywhere near that big scary thing that it's sitting on. 

Tommy:  I know, let's just keep an eye on it. And keep telling the hyoomins that it's up there. Schmaybe they will come and get it for us.

Teaghan:  Yeah, good luck with that one. MOL

Happy Tuesday efurryone!

Tommy and Teaghan.  Till tomorrow and see if the birdie is still up in the sky.


Join us all on the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop here:

