Mmmrph, move over Tommy! Get outta my space! That birdie is gonna come and fly right over and I won't see it.
This is the kind of bird we are looking for and a picture of it in our yard a couple weeks ago. A family of them have been hanging out at the top of the pine trees for a while now. We think they were nesting but can't be sure since we don't see that high up.
Then, yesterday one of them crows flew into the window with a big bang! It got up and walked around the side of the house in a daze while we stalked it from window to window. Our Mommy tried to do an energy healing on it while one of its clan kept an eye on it from tree to tree until it finally was able to fly away. Then another one of them (an old ruffled looking one) came an sat on our picnic table, hopped into an empty plant pot and then jumped out and looked at us a few seconds then finally flew away. We are thankful the little one was ok and that it was able to fly. Hopefully it didn't hurt it's head too much and will be ok forever.
Mommy was so freaked out about the whole thing that she didn't even get a picture of any of it!
Today we are thankful we are happy and healthy and that the little crow birdie was able to fly away with its crow family.
XO Y'all!
Teaghan and Tommy
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