Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sleepy Sunday with The Ts

Well it's sort of Sunday Selfie but the Mom took these photos MOL. We were sleeping in them.  She thinks we must have had a big night watching all the animals go by in the night. Between the deer, the rabbits, the crows, the fox, and the raccoon we are exhausted!

Take it easy today y'all!
~Tommy and Teaghan


Teaghan in back, Tommy in front



Monday, July 10, 2023

Awww Monday and The Beach

 The pawrents and sis-furless went to the beach last night to watch the sunset. They even got to see some pelicans doing on last pass over before going back to their own island for the night.  Today they are going on a boat ride (and leaving us home again) if the weather stays nice and they can see the island where the pelicans live and nest. 

And today is Mommy Colleen's purrthday! She is our first human mommy before we got adopted by our new pawrents.  Happy Purrthday Mommy Colleen!

Purrs, Tommy and Teaghan

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Sunday Selfies - Eye See Yoo

Yes, It is I, Tommy. And I have a few closeups to share with you. First, One eye, side view. Then a good nose shot, yes, yoo read dat right, nose shot not snot 😺😹. Then another even closer eye just in case yoo didn't see the first one. Finally the last one of me in my sailboat chair. It's my chair because it is broken and it tilts forward when humans sit in it and the pawrents don't know how to fix it. Some day they will get a new chair that works. Until then, mine all mine! 
Haf a great rest of your Sunday. 
Purrs, Tommy

Pee Ess, Our human sisfur is here visiting all the way from the land down under so the pawrents have been busy showing her around here in warm land.


Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July here in the United States of America. We are grateful that we live in the land of Freedom. This is a day for us to celebrate with many wonderful activities with friends, family, food, and fun. We cats will do as we usually do and play and sleep and eat and maybe watch some fireworks through the window. Hopefully there won't be too much loud boomie noises.  Love and live life with Joy!


Monday, July 03, 2023

Getting ready for the big 4th of July celebration

Almost time for the big 4th of July celebration in the town of Southport NC.  The town is busy as can be today with all kinds of pre-events going on.  The Southport fire department trucks have the flag held up across the road, and flags and banners are all around everywhere you can see. It's a really big celebration here. And there are 30 - 50 thousand people expected for the parade this year. 
We went to town this morning to get some errands done and see how things are looking but are not planning to go to the parade. That's a little too many people for us to deal with this year. Already today the weather is 92 degrees and probably the same for tomorrow. As for the Ts, they are happy and cool in the house and keeping busy watching the rabbits devour our plants.
We wish everyone a safe and happy Independence Day wherever and however you are celebrating it!