Sunday, July 09, 2023

Sunday Selfies - Eye See Yoo

Yes, It is I, Tommy. And I have a few closeups to share with you. First, One eye, side view. Then a good nose shot, yes, yoo read dat right, nose shot not snot 😺😹. Then another even closer eye just in case yoo didn't see the first one. Finally the last one of me in my sailboat chair. It's my chair because it is broken and it tilts forward when humans sit in it and the pawrents don't know how to fix it. Some day they will get a new chair that works. Until then, mine all mine! 
Haf a great rest of your Sunday. 
Purrs, Tommy

Pee Ess, Our human sisfur is here visiting all the way from the land down under so the pawrents have been busy showing her around here in warm land.



  1. dood !! we haza soooper quik minit two say hi, be well, bye for now ♥ ! :)

  2. Your photos look amazing! I love photos of a cat's eye, they can look so timeless and still.

  3. Very nice selfies. Have fun with your human sister. XO

  4. Those are such fabulous selfies! Have fun with your HuSis!

  5. We love all those photos of you, Tommy. Have fun with your sister! XO

  6. What fabulous closeups, Tommy!

  7. Adorable photos! I'm so glad you have your very own chair :)

  8. Tommy your nose is a beautiful shade of sweet pink. Enjoy the visit with your human sister.

  9. Chaplin: "Our Dada wants to boop that pink nose of yours, Tommy."
    Charlee: "NO BOOPING!!!"
    Lulu: "I don't think you need to worry, now Dada seems to have gotten distracted singing about a 'land down under' where 'something-something-something-chunder', or something."
