Thursday, September 07, 2023

Thoughts on Thursday and something that is there or not?

Teaghan on Thursday

I cannot believe mine own eyes. I was just taking a little snooze and when I woke up I looked out near the window and no one knows what I saw but me. I gave it the blinky eyes a couple times.  Scared the bejesus out of the Mom. Then I looked over at Mom to say "what the heck?" Did yoo see that? But no, she didn't see anything but me saying hi to something that she can't see. You ever see anything and look up at it and scare your humans into thinking something is there? 

And here's my Thankful thought today too. I am thankful that I have a nice chair to hang out on and sometimes I spin around on it. It keeps Tommy away from me. And maybe keeps me away from whatever those ghosties are. Meow!



  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    maybe it wuz beau beau

    1. Yeah we think that it's Beau Beau sometimes stopping in to say hi.

  2. Charlee: "Seeing things that aren't there are a cat specialty, am I right?"

  3. happee thurzday two ewe T and T…we haza quik minit two say hI, hope all iz well, and heerz two a grate week oh end ! 🐟‼️🍀💚

  4. I wonder what you saw! Flynn used to stare at the ceiling sometimes and try to get up to it. It turned out there was a mouse getting in and out under the fascia boards and was running around in the roof space.

  5. Must be one of those Teeghan impersonators you hear so much about.

  6. I would love to rub that tummy. XO

  7. Your Throne sure does look pretty comfy. Don't worry, we won't tell your Mom what you saw. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Sometimes I think cats see dust floating or other small things we people can't see, and find it fascinating.

  9. Us cats see things that humans can’t. That’s a nice chair, Teaghan.

  10. MOL we like doing that and scaring Mom.

  11. Sometimes Ava sees stuff we can't. It doesn't freak us out, but we definitely feel like we are missing out. :)

  12. It's a good trick to suddenly freeze and stare into space with a frightened look on your face. I do it every Halloween! Ha-ha
