Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Happy Tuesday LOL caption needed

Teaghan and Food Daddy

For today's Happy Tuesday blog hop, here's a photo of Teaghan "helping" her Daddy.  Comment on your LOL caption of this for a good laugh today. 😊 
Bob is off to have some dental work done today and he would appreciate the LOLs for some healing laughter. :-) 

Purrs, and love,
Teaghan and Tommy


Monday, November 27, 2023

Awww Monday Teaghan Beauty


Teaghan beauty

We know this is really late today but this was too sweet not to post for an Awww Monday.

Teaghan:  I think this is my new spot. This feels pretty good here. Yoo wanna take my picture? Ok I'll pose for you. :-). I think we need a Christmas tree in here too. Maybe we can do that for the next Awww Monday right? 

Purrs and loves,



Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Happy Thanksgiving to all our blogging furriends and family and everyone everywhere. “The more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for.” So thank you all for reading our posts all these years and being kind and all around loving people. We are truly blessed to be part of this blogging community of kind souls. Enjoy this day and every day.  

Tommy: When's the turkey gettin' here?

I don't think that's a real turkey. You forget we have good sniffability and that doesn't smell like a birdie to me.

He's right. Don't smell like turkey to me. 

Purrs and Loves, Tommy and Teaghan and Mom Brenda (and the Food Dad)

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Selfie and introducing Little Teresa Towel

Hey y'all! It's Sunday Selfie day and we have a new furriend who wants to get in on the action. Meet our new pawpal, Teresa Towel, named after our favorite furriend and neighbor who used to watch us when the humans went on vaycashun.  She gave us this cute look-alike of us to remember her by. 

That's not such a good selfie Teresa, you need to sit up a little higher. Get closer...

Teresa and Rob were furry nice to us and we are going to miss them terribly. Mommy and Food man Daddie are going to miss them and their fur babies, Etta and Kitkat, very much too cuz they are moving away. 

Ok that's better. Now I can give smoochies to little Teresa. 💗

So here is little Teresa jus hanging out with us. Of course I love her best and I let her sit next to me while getting a selfie. Teaghan loves the real Teresa too so she has been giving little Teresa the stink eye when she comes near her. It could also be cuz she is waiting for breakfast #2 and wasn't in the mood for a selfie. 

Hey little Teresa, watcha doin on the floor? Are you waiting to be fed too?

Well anywho, we will bring little Teresa Towel into some of our future posts with some stories and adventures around the house. She will be hanging out on the oven handle until the next time we want to play. 😸😻😺
Have a happy sunny Sunday!
Purrs and love, 
And Teaghan, and little Teresa


Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Toesies and Nosies

Tuesday's Tommy's Nosies and Toesies 

We were just hanging out this morning and the Mom decided to torture me with the phone thingy and kept touching my toes and taking pictures of me. Leave me alone. Can't yoo see I jus want to sleep? 

Purrs, Tommy


Sunday, November 05, 2023

Sleepy Sunday with the Ts

Teaghan on top, Tommy on bottom

Happy Sunday y'all! 

Tommy:  The Mom had to take our selfies again, well, cuz she can and we have a hard time with that. Hah!  Can you see the one little Maple tree with the fall color behind me? Pretty soon I'll get to watch the leaves fall while sitting on my bed here.

Teaghan:  Yes, the time change messed us up and when we jumped on Foodie Daddy he was not ready to get up for us. So he made us wait a bit. And he also realized that one of us needed a cat-a-cure, you know instead of a man-a-cure, when we scratched him just a tiny bit as we tried to get him outta bed.  So now we are just making today a sleepy day, well not so different than other days, MOL, and just chillin out. 

Hope y'all are having a nice Fall Sunday and enjoying your extra hour.  We'll be visiting as many of our furriends today to try and catch up since we've been away so long. 

Purrs and love, Tommy and Teaghan

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Tommy and Teaghan staying warm

Shhhhhhh, the baby's sleeping... :-) Miss Teaghan has the rule of the guest bedroom. She obviously feels  safe enough here from Tommy the terror. He prefers the kitty condo bed in the sun room and will jump up and get her off there. He generally leaves her be in this room.  

It's been colder here in NC the last couple of days. We put the fireplace on for the first time since the early spring. Tommy had to go and check it out but didn't stay near it. He's watching it though.  There's been a shift in which one comes up to sit with me to watch tv at night now. It was always Teaghan in the front of me and Tommy would sit on the side. Lately Tommy took over the front spot so she has been staying on her condo bed. Then that night she climbed up to sit right on my chest to get the top spot with that look like "what's does he think he's doing?" 😂.  

Miss Teaghan

Teaghan "what's HE doing in my spot?"