Saturday, March 30, 2024

Caturday Art and Travel with the Ts

Travel Time and Happy Easter

Hoppy Easter! We got turned into bunnies! MOL

This one is a little softer looking for Easter. We just found out the beans are going somewhere. Good thing there's lots of eggs here but where are the chick-hens?

Teaghan: Wait, what? Where you goin? Is it far? What??? That far?!!! Oh my! (then nervously starts quickly cleaning herself up) 

Busily cleaning myself up to be nice and clean for Auntie Mary who feeds me. Schmaybe she'll give me more food. 
Keeping an eye out on the neighborhood. This is our room and we want to make sure she knows it.

Does anyone know where this is? We might want to teleport over for a visit too.

Purrs, Teaghan and Tommy, and Mom Brenda


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Caturday Art with the Ts, Freya, and Brenda

Caturday Art with the Ts

We had some fun with this one in NightCafe using only the prompt "Freya the goddess of love and Queen of cats in her chariot being pulled by two long-haired red and white Norwegian forest cats".  It really captured their cat faces, well at least I think it looks just like Tommy. He must have a classic face for a Norwegian Forest Cat. At least it got one of them dressed as a female cat so Tommy and Teaghan are represented. For all who might not know, (quite a few of my friends on facebook think they are both boy cats... lol) Although the name Teaghan can be used for a boy or girl, our Teaghan is a girl :-)

 Prompt for this one and no chariot... "Freya the goddess of love and Queen of cats being pulled by two long-haired red and white Norwegian forest cats". Again it's like looking right at Tommy. 

And here's they are in real life. They've had this kitty condo since they were kittens. It was given to them by an old friend and they still use it every day. It's not used like this every day where both of them are on it at once. Teaghan got the top spot and Tommy let her stay there.

And lastly, I do real paintings not just AI :-).  Here's one mixed media painting I'm working on for a friend. It's almost finished, just some more line work and tweaking. I'm not sure I like how it came out enough to give her this one. I am starting another one soon as well.

I learned how to use the technique of incorporating imitation gold leaf and gold relief outliner onto the paper from an online art course I've been taking for a while now. It doesn't always work out right getting the gold leaf to look perfect since the sheets are small and sometimes leave a line between them. And my relief work tends to be a little shaky since I'm still learning.  If you want to check out the classes it's And no, I do not get anything for recommending her classes. They just worked out wonderfully for me and inspired me to create many pieces of art using mixed media. It's a joyful freedom in creating freely with many materials. And it also uses a facebook group to share your work, learn and be inspired by others. 

Have a great weekend efurrybody! It's rainy today in warm land here in NC.  We think this weekend will finish off the cooler weather and bring in much warmer southern Spring warmth. OK, off to find a puzzle or two in the cat blogosphere. It takes me sooooo long to do them! lol!


Purrs and love,

Brenda, Tommy and Teaghan

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy St. Patricks Day from the Ts

 Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's a fantasy day at the beach! 

Disclaimer: Clicking on the photo will bring you to owr page in NightCafe. Mom was amazed to get it to make this ai art without extra paws, heads, or tails.

And these are our real Sunday selfies.  This is the pose we do most frequently now with ears sharply pointed downward to hear when the "fake" snakie is coming under the tunnel. We love learning about Snakie 101 and can spend hours jumping on it in the tunnel, on the tunnel, or around the tunnel. 

We are joining Cat on my head for Sunday Selfies. It's a special day because it's their week #500 post. That's something to celebrate for sure. So we are dancing and having a pawty at the beach to celebrate. She also wrote a wonderful tribute to a friend, Jean. So stop on by to read all about it.

How are y'all spending your St. Patrick's Day today? 

Saturday, March 09, 2024

Caturday Art with the Ts and NightCafe

Saturday Caturday Art Day

Continuing on the theme of "two cats eating fish by the seashore" here are a few that I did recently in NightCafe  

"Hey T, is this the appetizer? There is not as many fish as there used to be in the order." It used to be 9 fishies, then next time it was 7, now it's 5 and it costs more green papers too!

"I shoulda ordered the whole fish instead of the salad. I guess you got that cause yoo have a bigger paw to eat it with." 😹

"Does this taste fishy to you?" 

"These fishies are so fresh dey are jumpin' off da plate!"

This one should be clickable to bring you to NightCafe if you would like to see the prompt that created this.  I really like how the background came out and it's inspiring me to do a real painting like it. 

One of these days I will attempt to actually do my own painting of Tommy and Teaghan. I'm thinking I will start with a pastel to work out the shapes then go on to an acrylic painting. Wish me luck!  Have a fun artsy Saturday y'all! xo

Purrs and love,

Brenda, Tommy and Teaghan

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Tuesday in the tunnel

Teaghan: Hey Mom! I think there is a snakey inside this tunnel! I see a black stick like thing and it's pokin' around in there. 

Tommy: That's my tunnel Teaghan! Get away from there.

 Teaghan: I'll play here all day if I want to. It's my turn in the tunnel. 

Mom:  And then Tommy got jealous and jumped on Teaghan and that was the end of play time.😄 And it happened so fast I didn't even get a photo! 


The Ts and B
