Monday, April 22, 2024

Happy Earth Day from the Ts

Happy Earth Day!

We pledge to support and keep our planet healthy as much as we can within our little micro world inside our house. Here are some things we can do:

1.  Since the Earth Day theme this year, 2024, is "planet vs plastics", the pawrents will buy no more plastic toys because we have enough to play with already. And we hardly play with them anyway, well except for the springy ones.  Also, Mom wishes someone would invent a small box that you put on your counter and add all the plastics from the store into it and it melts down into a little tiny ball that gets recycled. Or somehow the plastics disappear after being put into the box. 

2.  We will be nice to the plants in the house and not put the bitey on them. 

3.  We will reuse any and all cardboard boxes that mysteriously appear in our house. Sometimes we put the bitey on the boxes but it does not seem to hurt them. 

4.  We will play with all the remaining feather toys and not chew them so Mom needs to buy more.

That is all we can think of for now.  


Tommy & Teaghan


Joining Awww Mondays today!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thankful Thursday and a real Snake!

Thankful Thursday already! Mom is thankful she is inside because guess what's outside? 

What da heck??! Is that a snakie?

Oooh look! I see you snakie! 

Let me out let me out! I wanna chase the snakie!

Tommy:  Me and Mom kept an eye on Blackie the snake as it went around the house. We went from window to window, then we didn't see it anymore.  That could only mean one thing... it found a place it liked in the pine straw next to the window. We kept an eye out and no more snake, until... after Mom came back from a store visit to get some purrvisions, she took a look see around the house and there it was - sittin' up staring at her from probably the same spot it stopped at before. It started to move and then slithered down into and under the pine straw. It looks like we got us a real live snakie to keep a watch out for. Mom will not be going outside for a while... 


We will keep you posted on Blackie the Snake and his whereabouts. We do know it's a good snake because it eats poisonous snakes, but where it's hanging out is right near the water faucet we use to water the plants. Eeeeeeekkkkkk!

Till later....


Tommy and Teaghan


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thankful Thursday with the Ts


Tommy: "You back? I'm bizzy".  

Teaghan: "Where you been all this time?"

The Ts:  The pawrents are home! The pawrents are home! We are so thankful for all the great care we got from Auntie Mary and Uncle Mark. They played with us three times a day. Mom gave them special instructions to make sure they played with us in our tunnel. We like the snake game remember. And while they were gone a REAL snake a loooooong black snake much bigger than our stick fake snake, was in our yard! So Mom is thankful she wasn't here to see that in person, even though she knows they are good snakes.  And we got fed lots and everything is good. We are very happy they are home and so are they. 

The other best news we could give the Mom is that we got our story about our BIG MOVE from Connecticat to North Carolina (warm land) published in our local community magazine, CAT-TAILS, April 2024 edition.  That's something to be thankful of for sure! 

Mom B:  We also heard the news about Brian's Home Forever's Dad, Terry, and are sending prayers and love that he gets the best care ever and heals quickly and can come home to all his furry loves. xo.

We hope to be back to a normal blogging schedule very soon and post some Australia photos. Happy to be home!


Tommy & Teaghan and. Mom B

Joining the Thankful Thursday Bloghop at Brian's Home. 

And GREAT NEWS! Terry is home! 🙏