Thursday, March 30, 2006

Computer Boy

I was just a hangin out in my 'puter room and me wanted to check out my blog from a differnt angle. Angie was workin it from her end and I was just chasin the little blippy thing around. Things look furry different from up here!


  1. Wow, you am hangin upside downs. I have never done that. Looks like a good place to practice balance beam for the lympics.

  2. Velvet also like lying on his back and looking at the screen upside down!!

  3. You are so flexible, Beau.

  4. Good thing you don't need to reach the keyboard. Just dictate to Angie what to put in.

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM

    A whole new view of cyberspace! Nice work Beau!

  6. I dids that too, but Mom made me stop cuz I was on the screen, not a shelf, an there's too many papers to knock down. So I sat on the scanner instead. It gots buttons I can push and startle Mom. She said I made the scanner program start, but I wasn't touchin the mouse or keyboard!
