Monday, May 29, 2006

Cousin Gumby Does Memorial Day

Our cousin, Mr. Gumbyman Bentley, hadded a nice Memorial Day Picnic at his humans house on Sunday to honor those servicemen and women who has fallen in service to our Country.

Here he was caught on film lickin' his chops after fillin' the buckets wif lots of beverages, soda and beer for the humans and after a little tastin', some Meowgarita mixers for him.

Gumby was gettin the playin' area ready for a game of meoweyball.

Here he is gettin' hugs an scritches from our human cousin, Melissa.

At one point in the day Gumby climbed a big tree (I fink to show off a little) . He also seemed to like to stalk all kinds of fings while we were there and was doing some huntin' and foragin' to get us some wild stinky goodness. He almost caughted a chipmunk right before we got there but it got away (yeah, like we believe that old fish tale...).

This is Gumby saying g'nite after a nice Memorial Day picnic. Isn't he a furry nice and handsome tuxedo tabby fellow?


  1. Your cousin is quite the partyman! Games, climbing trees, and almost catching a chipmunk - that sounds like a good day to me! Happy Memorial Day to all of you!

  2. Oh, that is up perty high in that climbing tree! Gumby is most handsome.

    Patches Lady

  3. Oh, Gumby is a handsome devil!

  4. he is furry handsome. Happy Memorial Day Beau Beau and Angie

  5. Gumby looks like a cool guy to hang out with. Mom wants me to say that he is furry handsome. I think it's pretty snazzy to wear a striped tuxedo!!

  6. He is one good lookin' dude!

  7. Did you guys get to go to the picnic too? I bet there was lots of ham and chicken and nip.

  8. We hope he hadn't had too much of that Meowgarita mixer before he climbed the tree; that stuff can be pretty wicked if you aren't careful(don't ask how we know) But your cousin sure is a handsome fellow!
