Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Watched Pot Wednesday

A watched pot never boils. I managed to just fit my wide body up up onna shelf I found. I know I'm not apposed to be up here but I am. Mommy took me down after she found me. I was all quiet like and she didn't efun see me - hee hee. I scared her when she finally saw me. It am a nice place to lay though coz I can see where Angie is and she doesn't come up here.
~Beau Beau


  1. Beau Beau

    Yu has the funnest spots to lay at yur house! I would get up der too so I could sees efurryone.

    It would be warm up der too.
    Hopes yu have a happy fanksgiving wif yur beans!


  2. Dat looks like a good warm spot to sit, but yoo haf to watch yoo don't burn yer tail

  3. Oh Beau Beau! It may seem like a good warm spot to lay, but you want your fur to stay right where it is!

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Hehehe...I'm always scaring the Woman by hiding above her head. I usually make her jump.


  5. We like to add a little cat hair to their food too.

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    yur in a purrfect spot ta add sum kitty fur for extra flavurr, but how duz ya get down wifout burnin' yur little pawsies?

    all my love ta purrty Angie!

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Just be careful and don't singe your tail!

  8. Anonymous4:45 PM

    He, he. Be careful that you don't fall in the pot.

  9. that could be a dangerous spot. you gotta be real careful when you get in places like that!

  10. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving! That looks like a nice warm spot, but be careful!

  11. Uh oh Beau Beau, don't gets burned sittin up there. ~Merlin, SHadow, KO kO

  12. Nice spot, Beau Beau! An she didn efun see you? Just watch yur tail.

  13. I think that's a great spot. But you gotta be careful about your tail.

  14. I bet you're very careful up there. Moms get so weird about us getting near the stove top, don't they?
