Sunday, July 22, 2007

We're hungry

Dis cat-a-piller is what we has to resort to eating acoz da college girl FORGOT TO FEED US! Da beans left early for vaycayshun and dey fed us a little bit of crunchies and den SHE was aposed to feed us and nuffin happened! We waited and waited for owr morning stinky goodness and we gots nuffin. Angie hunted for ants and I hunted for some spideys and den we spotted dis green fing owtside da window. It looks filling but we can't get to it. Help us we're starving!
Da college girl and Fat Eric's uncle Andrew must be related acoz he forgot to feed Fat Eric one time too - remember? Fat Eric remembers. We'll not forget dis one eifur. She better give us lots of treats to make up for dis. Da beans better bring us home some good stinky goodness and lots of lobster from Maine.


  1. Oh this is terrible! How did you have the strength to type? You must be wasting away! The horror! I agree, there had better be a lot of treats in your future!

  2. My that does look quite tasty. Hope the college girl comes soon and gives you bunches of stinky goodness and crunchy food too!

  3. This is very terrible. And that caterpillar looks like nothing more than an appetizer! You must have many, many Temptations to make up for this oversight.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    That is horrible! Such neglect! i can't believe it.

  5. How aweful that your sisbean forgot to feed you. You need lots of treats and stinky goodness to make up for this.

  6. Let me know when they are back with lobster and I'll be right over!

  7. Oh, no, no breakfast? How horrible! I hope that she shows up soon with lots of food and treats.

  8. Beau Beau and Angie

    OH NO the horrors! I can't imagine missing my stinky goodness! Even doh dat CAT-erpilla looks tasty, it's hard to forget much less forgive not getting stinky goodness. Do yu needs me to send ofur a rush supply?

