Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Nola in London

Dis is owr friend Nola who just had a big adventure. Her beans used to live in New York City and den dey got new jobbies in London. They couldn't take her right away because they had to get settled in. She had to stay her wif Mommies friend, Rosemary, who is Nola's human Grandbean. She had to stay wif her in her howse for six months and couldn't go anywhere so she would be able to fly to London to go to her new home wif her humans. After lots of paperwerk and stuff, she and her Grammie finally flew off in a humongous metal monster for a 7 hour flight to get to London. She seems to be furry happy here and gets to enjoy a nice view and watch all da cars and busses go by. Plus she now has a window where she can watch da pigeons.

Nola says hi to owr UK furriends, Fat Eric and Eric and Flynn!

Wot's dat? A laptop next to her? Schmaybe she'll be a cat blogger too someday.


  1. Love it. Glad to see Nola is happily ensconced in her new home.

  2. Nola is pretty! She had a big adventure, so I really think she needs to get her own blog now.

  3. HI Nola!!
    Aren't you a purrty gurl!!!
    Wow you went all da way to London? How specizal is dat?! Yu half a furry nice window to look out on into a purrty garden. We hopes yu get into cat bloggin!!


  4. Hi Nola! Wow! She is a world traveler. The only place I ever went was to the V-E-T.

    Earl Grey

  5. Hi Nola!

    Welcome to the UK! What part of London is Nola in? maybe we are neighbours!


  6. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Wow, Nola has got to live in NYC and London! That is very exciting for a kitty.

  7. My mommy thinks it's quite unfair that Nola got to go to Europe before she did. It's okay mommy, your little furry poodins are here in California, you don't really want to leave us, do you?

  8. Nola says:

    I live near the Notting Hill Gate tube station. But, I don't think you can get there right now, what with the tube strike and all!

    I had to go to the V-E-T four times just to get over here, and I was fine. They stole my blood, too, and gave me 3 injections.

    I had to get a first class carrier to fly - actually big enough for a medium dog, and I only weigh 8 pounds.

    I'll try to talk with Mommie Bean about doing a blog for me, since Grammie is 3500 miles away now.

    You all look furry purrty to me, too!

  9. Hello Nola, we are furry pleezed to meet yoo. We hope yoo had a good jernee in the big metal fing wiv wings.
    Don't menshun the V E T to me, that's a bad werd after my terrybull eggspeeryunts.
    Hope yoo git yer own blog soon.

  10. Nice to meet you Nola! We hope you didn;t miss your people too much or were confused while you were seperated from them. But now you are reunited and with an awesome window as a bonus!!

  11. That long time waiting inside. Glad she is back with her beans.

  12. It would be great for Nola to get a blog. We need more girl kitties to write. too many boys!!!

  13. Nola is really beautiful~!!!
    Nice to know Nola~!

  14. Hi Nola! You sure are pretty! It's nice to meetcha'!

  15. What gorgeous pictures of Nola!

  16. I see Nola has a nice flowerbox by her window. That means she can watch bugs too!


  17. Nola's really pretty - she has a nice window to look out of, too!

  18. wow Mom said she has always wanted to go to Londan and she is a bit jealous of Nora 'cause Nora is so lucky ~The Fluffy Tribe
