We bouf haf a story to tell. Schmaybe we should haf saved dis for Tales on Toosday or Tursday, but we got to tell someone. We am so embare-assed we don't know where to start. Da beans had some bisitors ofur dis weekend. We wuz on owr bestest behavior reely. We ated ferst afore da peoples came acoz yoo know we eats raw chick-hen an it duzn't look too pretty to some beans what wif us usin' da floor an not owr plates an all. Den da red marrow stuff comes owt an well it gets a little gross for humans to look at.
So da bisitors came ofur an we all sat at da table to talk an eat (after owr chick-hen remains were gone natchurley). Angie sat in her own chair at da table an she wuz nice an quiet like. I sat in da ofur room on mine own chair just listenin in for food to hit da floor like I always do. I efun only wented into da cabbynet up on da counter once to get myself a little treat. An dey saw, yes, dey saw. And, oh yes, Santy Paws did leave me some new seafood flavered treats.
It wuz not until da nice peoples left dat we noticed dare wuz a little problem. It seems dat after da Dad bean cutted up owr raw chick-hen he washed his hands in da baffroom sink (why dare an not in da kitch-hen sink we don't unnerstand) and it seems he, ur, left some of owr chick-hen in da sinkie. Just some little pieces yoo know. Just a cupple of yellow an red little pieces. Just enuf to look like someone blew chow in dare. Or blew dare nose wifout a tisyew. Yoo know, just enuf.
Now we not sure what dem nice peoples were finkin when dey saw dat, but dey all went in dare one by one during dare bisit. Did da beans go in dare? Nope. Not until da peoples were gone. And den Mommie saw it. She saw dem little pieces of chick-hen an efun she wuz not shure if someone blew chow or not. We haf a feelin' dat da peoples might not be comin' back next year for dare yeerly bisit. Yoo fink?